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1799 133 (1799)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0158 and id is 1 raw text is: 1799. 131

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY, begun and held at RALEIGH, on the eigh. ness1un:
teenth Day of November,' in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Esq. Governor.
Hundred and Ninety-Nine, and in the twenty-fourth year of the Inde-
pendence of the aid           State:    Meing     the   rI1ST   SESSION    of the    said As-
An a5 lo raie a revenue or the payment o/the ci'v;l /fl and contingent chargzs of.oJvermurt for the year one CuAP. 1.
lbs ufanid eight hundrd.  TEMPOR AR ,
,4n as to fufpend for the time therein litited, alloperation under the efcheat law ; and ayA toftfpend the opera- cAr.  .
fion of an af, entit!ed (( An aa mo:e liberally to endow the Univerfity of North Carolina, and to fe-
.,cure the title of certain inhabitants.of M\ecklenburg county, and other citizens of this ftatc, to ccrtain
lands heretofore pirchafed from Henry EUItace McCulloch, fifir a repees thke frae of conqffated
lands.  TAMPORARY. Thefifpended al repeald, 180, 5,
An aR to afrertain the amount of the certificate debt of thisflate.          CHAP. .
W IEREAS it is necefflry to afcertain the amount of the certificate debt of this fRate, to the eud 1noo, j.
that proviflon may be made for 4lifcharging 'he fame                                        1802, 7.
I. Be it onacted by the General Teibly of IheJ'fate ofNorth-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the anthority Ante P 6?..
ftheefane, That all perfons holding certificates of the debt of this flate, thall on or before the firfit day preset'ed to
of December, one thoufand eight hundred, prefent the fame at the office of the Treafurer; whofe duty the Trmasurer,
it hall be to regifler the number, date and amount thereof, together with the name of the perfons *to who sh all regi-
whom the fame (hall be made payable, in a book to be by him provided for that purpofe; and the Trea- ster then 14,
furer fiall note oi the faid certilicate that the fame has been prefented and regiftered as by thNs ad re-
II. And be it further ena ed, That all certificates of the debt of this flate, not prelented to the Trea- Certricate- nqt
furer for the purpofe of regifiration as aforefaid, within the tinie limited by this ad, fhall forever there- presented, ouar-
after be barred, and thall not be received in any payment to the liate, nor in any office thereof.   red.
111. And be it further enafled, That it thall be the duty of the Treafurer to give public notice of the re. Treasurer to
quifites of this a& in the flate gazette, and at leaft three other newfpapers, within this flate, within one advertise.
month from the rife of this General Affembly, and continue the fame at leaft three months.
IV. Provided, and be itjirther enaled, That this ad or any part thereof thall not be confirued or ope. woemuir given
rate to give credit or currency to fuch certificates as have by any ad of this flate heretofore been declared to fraudulent
fraudulent, or refufed to be received at the treafury or other offices of this flate.               certificates.
An afl direling the Judges of the ffperior courts to meet together to fettle queflions of law orequity arjing on CHAP. 4
the circuit, and to prcvide fir the trial of all perfnr concerned in certain frauds.
W        HEREAS great inconveniences have arifen, and much delay in the adminifration of juflice has
been occafioned, from the want of a fpeedy and uniform deciflon of all queflions of law or
equity arifing on the circuit, either fr-m difference of opinion in the judges, or from  a defire of further
confideration, or from a want of a competent number of Judges as the law exifts at prefent: to the end
therefore that thefe inconveniences may be remedied, and that decifions fhall be had on all fuits and con-
troverfies at prefent depending or hereafter to depend in the fuperior courts of law and equity, with as
much difpatch and uniformity as poffible :
I. Be it enacted by the General Ajimbly of the fate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authori- Judges to meet;
ty of the faine, That from and after the paling of this a&, the Judges of the fuperior courts of law  and t detet mine
equity within this ftate, fhaU meet and aflemble together twice in each and every year, at the city of 1AWe &Cs

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