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1795 70 (1795)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0154 and id is 1 raw text is: 70    1795.
]RIcnu  D. At a GENERAL            ASSEMBLY, begun and held at the City of Raleigh, on
Governor.      the Second Day        of November, in the Year of our' Lord                One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Ninety-Five, and in the Twentieth Year of American,
Independence. Being. the First Session of the said Assembly.
cAP. 1.    An ai for ral/ng a revenue for thepaynent ofthe civil 1l and contingent charges of government for the year
Auz p). 6,   one thofand feven hundred and, ninety-fy; and to anund an act, entitled, 4c An a& to amend the revene
.1796 1.      laws of this ftate, pafJ in December, in the year one thoiandeven hundred and ninety-one.
[ The 1/, 2d, 3d, and lafjifelions temporary.I
Double tax.    IV. Be it further enased, That the two fold tax direaed by the fecond claufe of the befofe recitdc1
at to be colleaed, thall in cafes of non-payment be diftrained for, and fale made of the goods and
chattels, lands and tenements, of each and every perfon failing to return lifts of their taxable property,
whether fuch perfons have been warned by a Conflable to give in his or her lifts of taxables or not.'
Comptroller's tV. Be it further enafed, That in all cafes of failure of a Sheriff to' fettle his account within the time by
dt vwere.   law required, and to take the oathes preferibed by the before recited a1, it haill be the duty of the Comp.
Sliriffs tal to troller, and he is hereby direaed, to report immediately on. the fame, allowing neither commiflions nor
sale. infolvents, but adding.to the'account the fum of one hundred' pounds, as-the fuppofed amount of fuch
delinquent's receipts from tavern-keepers and perfons failing to give in their lifts of taxable property.
Entries liable  VI. Be it further enafled, That all entries of land heretofore made, or which thall hereafter be made,
to taxes,.   hall be, and the fame are hereby declared to be liable-to the payment of taxes, and fhall be returned in
By whorn re. the -fame manner, and paid at the fame time a other taxable property. And if any, entry of lands fhall
turnable when be caveated, it fhall in that cafe be the duty of the perfon who originally entered the land to return the
eaveard' fame for taxation, litch caveat to the contrary notwithftanding; and upon'the caveat, beihg determined,
if the perfon who hath paid the taxes or returned the land for taxation, thall lofe it, he (hall be authorifed
to recover the amount paid, or which he is liable to pay, frorir the perfon in whofe favour the caveat was
CIAP. 2.   An ac to amend  act, entitled, a An a& for dividing the ftate into' difrias for the purpofe of eleEing
Ante p. 29.   Reprefentatives to congress, pafd at Nesabern in the year one thouJandfeven bundred and ninety-two.
. [The threeij fr'fions repealed, 1802, 2.]
1lusters on e.  IV. Ind be it further enafed, That it thall not be lawful to call or dire& any regimental, battalion or con-
lectiand'tysif- pany mufler, or to affemble armed men, on the day of any cleaion, at any place appointed by law to hold
lega,       eletions for Members of congress or Members of the General Affembly within this flate, under the pen-
Penalty,    alty of five hundred pounds, to be recovered of any perfon or perfons who may call fuch mufter or aflm-
ble fuch armed men, in the name of the Governor for the time being, and be applied one half to the ufe
of the informer, and the other half to the uf of the tate..
An afT to encourage tihe cutfing f Canals by.nbfcriptioir.
on1AW. 3.IIEREAS it has been demonftrated by the experience of the moft improved and well cultivated
countries, that opening communications by cutting canals, has been produffive of great wealth
and convenience: And whereas it has been reprefented to this General Affembly, that cutting canals
through peninfulas or narrow necks of land, fwamps and marfhes, from one part of a river, creek, bay or
found, into the fame, or from a river,. creek, bay or found, into any other river, creek, bay or feund,
would greatly facilitate and encourage merchandize, and confequently contribute to the wealth and reve-
nue of this flate, by opening a more eafy, fafe and thort conveyance for the produce of the greatcft part of
the country, to fea port towns and fafe harbours; and alfo be produaive of the mo falutary effe&s, by
draining noxious marihes, fwamps and low lands, which will promote health, reclaim iminenfe quanti-

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