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1794 52 (1794)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0153 and id is 1 raw text is: Ilrcircun D. At a GENERAL           ASSEMBLY,           begun and held        at Newbern, on       the Se-
Gowrnor,       venth Day of July, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven                          Hun-
dred and Ninety-Four, and in the Nineteenth Year of the Independence of
the said    State: Being the Second Session of the said Assembly.
An act to cede to the United States of America certain lands, upon the condition therein mentioned.
CAr. I.            HEREAS the congress of the United States have paffed an a0 to provide for the defence of cer,
W ~'tain ports and harbours in the United States, in which iscomprifed Cape-Fear river and Occa-
Preamble,   cock inlet, and alfo al ad to cre  a light-houfe on the head land of 'Cape Hatteras ; and whereas it is
expedient that the United States fiould have the eyclufive juxildialon of a fuflicient quantity of land on
which faid forts and light houfes (hall be oreted :
I. Be it enacted by the General Ap'nbly of thejleate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authori-
Land ceded in ty of the fame, That Fart of the public grcuid, laid off by the Commiflioners of Smithville, for a fort on
smithville,  Cape Fear river, including part of the ground whereon Fort Johnflon formerly flood, with the exclufive
797 1       jurifdiaion thereof, thall be and the fame is hereby ceded to the United States of America, under the
1800, 2     condition herein after mentioned.
II. And be itfurther enac7ed by the authority afrefaid, That the exclufive jurifdiaion of Beacon ifland, in
Beacon Island, the harbour of Occacock, and four acres of land, at the head land Of Cape-1tteras, and alfG fo much of
and Cape-Hlat. the town of Smithville, adjoining Fort-Johnrfon as may be found neceflry for the faid fort, not exceeding
teras fix acres fhall be ceded and fiand vefted in the United States, as foon as the proprietors of faid lands fhall
convey the fame to the United States.
III. And be itfirher enailed, That the above mentioned lands are arid fhall be ceded to the United
Condition.  States, upon the exprefs condition, that the fortifications, light-ioufes and beacons, for which the faid
lands are ceded, or to be ceded thall be ereced within three years and be continued and kept up forever
thereafter for the public ufe.
IV. And be itfirther enacted, That ncthing herein contained, thall be fo confirued, as to debar or hinder
netriio,.  any of the oflicers of this ftate from ferving any procefs or levying executions within the lin its ceded by
this a, to the United States, in the fame manner and to the fame eilea, as if this ad had never becuq
CHAP. 2.    An ac7 tq amend an a7 paled at Fayettevill, in the year one thoufandfiven hundred and nincty three, entitled,
c    An aft to carry into efde an na of congress entitled an ad more effleatually to provide for the niati-
c onal defence by eftablithing an uniform militia throughout the United States, and 1i rrical on aR
pad at Fayetteville in the ycar one thoufand fren hundred and eightvfx, entitled,. An a  for eftabliih-
img a militia in this flate.  REPLALED, 1800, 28.
CII~p. 3.   An anf for taifling the propoertion of militia reqruired ofthis late, agreeallhto the a- ofCcngrefi of the United S/aes,
.ntit/d,  An a direding a detachnent from the militia of the United States.  2tMPORuX.
REnd three times, and ratified in General Assembly, the 18th day of July, Anno Dombri 1794.
J. LEIGH, S. 1. C.

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