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1793 36 (1793)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0152 and id is 1 raw text is: 30    1793.
RICIIAt =*At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY, begun and held at Fayetteville, on the fif.
r'  teenth Day of December, in theYear of our Lord One Thousand seven,
Hundred      and   Ninety-Three, and         in the Eighteenth Year         of the Inde-
pendence of the said State: Being the First Session of the said Assembly.
CHAP. 1,    41 aR tO Carry into fe, an a& of Congres, entitled, f An ac more effecTually to provide for the national
defence, by eflablifhing an uniform militia throughout the United States;  alfo to amend an ad, paf-
fed at Fayetteville, in the year one thoufand feva i hundred and eighty fix, entitled,  An ad for eflaL-
lilhing a militia in this Itate.
I.    E it enacted by the Ge neral Assembly of the Jate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the an.
othrity ofthe fane, That in order to carry into effel the above recited aa of Congrfs, the militia
of this flate be arranged into brigades and divifions, in the following manner, that is tofty, the diitria of
ia rX thi. Edenton, the firft brigade ; the diftri1 of Newbern, the fecond brigade ; the diltrit of Wilmington, the
slate arranged third brigade  the diltrid of Fiyetteville, the fourth brigade; the diflrid of Halifax, the fifth brigade ;
into brigades& the difitria of Hilliborough, the (ixth brigade ; the counties of 1)owan, Montgomery, Cabarrus, Meck-
a visions.  lenherg and Iredell, fhall compofe the feventh brigade ; and the counties of Rockingham, Stokes, Surry
180,22,   and Guilford, thall compofe the eighth brigade ; and the diftrid of Morgan, the ninth brigade ; and that
ads cited.  the (irfi and fecond brigades fhall compole the firft divilion ; that the third and fourth brigades compofe
the fecond divilion ; that the fifth and fixth brigades compofe the third divifion ; and that the feventh,
eighth and ninth brigades (hall compofe the fourth diviion.
(The remainder except the id. Sec7iln otheruwife provichd for, 1800, 28.)
Regiments to  111. And be it frt/.ter enacted, That the feveral regiments in each brigade thall be numbered according
be numbered. to the dates. of the commillion of the Colonels or officers commanding them  refpedively at the end oi
the prefent fellion.
C hAP. 2.    An a7fjor altering the time of the next annual meeting of the General Afenbly, of this flate. TE OrARoa r.
CHAP. D.                    An ae7 to prevent the introhduc7ion and connunication of contagious difrafes.
W      HEREAS the fitffring verels to come into any of the ports of this fLare, with any perfon or per-
fons on board infedted with any contagious diforder, or coming from any place where any fuch.
ditorder prevails, greatly endangers the health and lives of the inhabitants of this late :
Comirnksioers  I. Be it therefore naRad by the General .g;-mbly ofthe flte of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enaaed by the
of* navi'afion, authority of the fine, That on the Second Monday in April one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four,
6V. tome Will or as foon thereafter as may be, the Commifioncrs of navigation in the refpedive ports and inlets of this
app.'ioL a ac
,,',i,. late, and where there are no Commihlioners any three Juitices of the Peace convenient to faid ports or
fead, to pCI- inlets, thall meet together and appoint fitch place or places as they may think proper for veffels to perform
fe m uaran  quarantine ; and when a vefTiel ihall arrive at any of the faid ports or inlets haviag an infectious diftemper
tOne.       on board, or which came from any place that was at the time of her failing, or fliortly before, infccled
 with any malignant diforder, the matter and pilot of the velfel thallanchor her at the place fo appointed,
'anse, a1  Il. under the penalty of five hundred pounds, to be paid by the faid maler or pilot, and give immediate in for-
lot uf lily vv! nation thereof to the ConuiliEoners of navigation, or where there are no Commilioncrs, to the neareft
set hvi-g fil Juffice of the Peace, who with two others to be fummoned by him, or any three of the Commillioners
,ns } c. aforeltid, fhaU thereupon caulfe fitch veffel and her crew to be examined by at leaft one experienced phy.
not     1 ng fician, where to be had, upon whole report in writing, which thid phyfician is required to nzke, and on
ht w pac N  otler informatien they may receive, it fhall and may be lawful for any three of fuch Commillioners, and
poinud. &c.  where no ConntilEoners, any three neighbouring Jullices, to order and command the maiter of the vefel,
v _.r b- x crew and palln,.gers to perform quarantine, as by them thall be deemed moft proper and requifite to
:miled.     check and prevent any infecious diftLnper from fpreading in this f(ate ; and every perfon on board fuch
vclle dirceied to performs quarantine, flutIl from time to time during filch quarantine obey all and every
crdcr given by the authority of the faid Commillioners or Jultices refpe6ling the viltualling, p rifying and

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