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1791 5 (1791)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0150 and id is 1 raw text is: THE
At a GENERAL          ASSEMBLY, begun and held at Newbern, on the fifth day
of December, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand                     Seven Hundred Ar.        N nzht
and Ninety-One, and in the-Sixtecnth Year of the Independence of the 9
said State: Being the First Session of the said Assembly.
Art aER to conrmhrw the rev;Al ofthe laws of this flate, made by .uner fredell, Ef/quire, Cmnnjifoner, atpoint- cA PR 1.
rd by an aR ofthe General A4inby, entitled, an ad for roviling and colleding the ads of the General
Affmbly of the State of North-Carolina.
W      HEREAS the whole body of the laws of this flate, to the fifteenth day of December, in the yeAr
of our lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety, have, in purfaance qf the above ad for ap-
pointing a commillioner to revife and colile the fame, been carefully compiled and revifed, and the
faid revifal laid before both houtfes of this prefent Affeimbly, and approved of by the faid houfes :
I. Be it ther~f/ore cenac7ed by the General A4jmbly of theflate of North-Caro!!na, and it is hereby enar7ed by th redera nevi-
atithrity of the fame, That the faid revifal of the laws of the flate, made by James Iredell, together with sa contirme.
Il the 'a1s, parts of ads, andevery claule and fe6tion of them and each of them, as inferted and retaincd
in his compilation as commiffioner, and not by him exprefsly declared to be repealed or obfolete, or not in
force, are hereby confirmed (except fo far as may be repealed, altered or amended by any law palled this
prefent feflion of Aflembly) and fhall be held, deemed and taken to be and remain in full force, and al.
lowed to be given in evidence, and received as fuch, in all the courts of law and equity within this flate.
II. And be it further enafled by the authoritv aforefaid, That all and every ad and ads, claufe and claufes, b ns s >
feaion and fedions of all and every ad and aas of the General Affembly of the flate in the faid revifed declared to be
laws mentioned to be obfolete, expired and repealed, are hereby declared to be obfolete, expired and re- so.
III. Provided always neverthe/efs, and it is hereby enafled, That all and every judgment, order, decree Former pro.
or fentence of any court heretofore given or paffied, and all and every matter or thing heretofore done and -eiii to  c  as
performed by any officer or officers judicial or minifterial, or by any other perfon or perfons whatfoc- pealed, &:. de-
ver, in virtue and by force of any ad or ads, claufe or claufes of any ai- or adts of the General Affem- clared valid.
bly of this flate, in the faid revifed laws mentioned to be obfolete, expired or repealed, fhall be deem-
ed, held and taken to be good and valid in law, to all intents and purpofes, as if the faid ads were coti-
tinued and in full force, any thing herein before contained to the contrary, in any wife, notwithftanding.
IV. And be it furthe- enaled by the authority aforefaid, That all the laws in the faid compilation, to Laws said to be
which the compiler Iath fubjoined a note doubting kow far the fame or any part or fedian thereof may dqubtfal, su;-
be in force, be, and the fame, and every part and feElion thereof, fhall be, and the fame is hereby fufpend. pended.
ed until otherwife dirc(ted by the General Affiembly.

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