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1790 484 (1790)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0149 and id is 1 raw text is: 484- I10.
EX A NDR At a GENERAL             ASSEMBLY, begin and held at Fayetteville, on the First
nor.q.      Day of November, in the Year of our Lordc              One Thousand Seven            flu-
dred and Ninety, and in the Fifteenth Year of the Independence                      of the
said State    Being the First Session of this Assembly.
CHAr. 1.   An an to amend an an, entitled, e' an a& direaing the manner of elefing reprefentatives to reprefent this
Rtate in congress.  TEMPORARr.
CHAP. 2.   Aan to cede and vrf in the United Staise of America, the lands therein mentioned for the purpof of building
W        HEREAS William Williams, John Williams, Jofeph Williams, William Howard, jupior, and
Henry Gerrifb, of Carteret county, planters, have by deed bearing date the thirteerfth day of
September, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety, conveyed to the governor of this itate and
his fucceffors in oflice, for the ufe of the (late, to erca a light-houfe thereon, one acre of land oi Oca-
cock iflaind, to be chofen out of their feveral unimproved lands fituated on the faid ifland, by commilioners
appointed by an act of afflembly paffed at Fayetteville in the year aforefaid, as by reference to the faid
deed and aa had may more fully appear. ' And whereas Benjamin Smith, of Brunfwick county, Efquire,
hath executed a deed to the perfon therein named, for the ufe of the flate and the fecurity of the naviga.
tion of Cape-Fear, for ten acres of land fituated on the Cape-Ifland, for the purpofe of erefting thereon a
light-houlfe, under the condition and limitations in faid deed contained and exprefed by an aa of affem-
bly paffed at Fayetteville, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-nine, as by the fame refer-
ence being thereto had may more fully appear. And whereas the funds heretofore appropriated by this
itate to the creaing and finifhing light-houfes, are now veited in the congrfs of United States, w%hcrein
the eflablilhment and fupport of light-houfes is placed by the conititution and laws thereof ;
cert-in lards  I. Be it th:refore enacted by the General 4imbly of the fate of North.Carolina, and it ij hereby enaaled by the
veited in the  authority of thefamne, That from and after the pafling of this a&, the lands as aforefaid, with their ap.
tUnited States. purtenances, and the jurifiliftion of the fame, thall be ceded and vefted in the United States under the
condition herein after exprefled,
(overnnr to   II. And be it further enaaed by the authority afortfaid, That the governor of this (late is hereby empower-
execuc a decd. ed and required, forthwith to execute a deed or deeds, on the parc and behalf of this flate, to the United
States, of all right, title and claim which this flate hath to the lands as aforefaid, with their apputtenances,
under the feveral aas of affembly, and deeds herein before rccited and mentioned.
CMAP. 3.    An afl to amend an an, entitled, a An a& for ectablifling courts of law, and regulating the proceedings
,01 V  2 26, 128,  therein, and arnther an, entitled,  An aa for giving an equity jurifliion to the fpciior courts.
133, 145, 182.  W   IEREAS it hath become necefthry to a due and regular adminiffration of juffice, that the terms
Ante p. 2os,        Of the fiuperior courts of law and the courts of equity thould b enlarged, and that the bufinefs in
312.        the faid courts thould be fo arranged  d expedited as to be lefs expenlive to the fuitor, and more conve.
nient to jurors and witneffes
Superiorr.J Be it thrfort inaa frd by the Gin-al Alembly of the jla~e of North- Carolin, and it is he-ehy enafed by the
corts, &c. di. authority oj the)jatne, That from and after the tenth day of January next, the faid fuperior courts of law
vided into two
filings.    and courts of equity (iall be, and the fame are hereby, divided into two ridings, that is to fay, the diffricts
of Morgan, Salifbury, Hillfborough and Fayetteville, {hall coniftitute one riding, and be diftinguitfied and
Timeand     known by the name of the wcitern riding ; and the dilftrias of Halifax, Edenton, Newbern and Wil-
ing said courts, mington, fhall conflitute cne other riding, and be diftinguifhed and known by the name of the eaftern
Ie. riding : And the faid feveral fuperior courts of law and yourts of equity in th ridings before mentioned,

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