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1787 430 (1787)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0146 and id is 1 raw text is: 44o 1787.
PIeIAnD   At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY, begun and held at Tarborough, on the Eigh-
I^i    nor.   teenth Day of November, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand                            Seven
Hundred, and Eighty-seven, and in the Twelfth Year of the Independence
of the said State         Being the First Session of this Assembly.
CHAP. 1.    An a3 declaring the treaty of peace between the United states of 4nerica and the king of Great-Britain, to be
seet at  ofpart of the law of the land.
peace liereafer I. ,  E it en  ed by the General .fembly of the /hte of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority
ptnilsheait      ofthefaine, ihat the articles of the definitive treaty between the United States of America and the
Tr-aty with  King of Great-Britain, are hereby declared to be part of the law of the land.
G. Britain to II. And be itjfirther ena7el by the authrity aforefaid, TI'hat the courts of law and equity are hereby de.
be the law of  clared in all caufes and queftions cognizable by them refpeiting the faid treaty to judge accordingly.
the land.0
CHAP. 2.    An a7 for levying a tax for thefitp 'ort of gwernment, and for the redemption of the old paper currency, conti-
Temporary.                               nental nowy, and fpecie and other certificates.
CHAP. S.                                An a5 to regulate the infpeeion of tobacco in thisfate.
IEREAS by the laws now in force in this flare for the infpe6tion of tobacco, frauds may be com-
V mitted: For remedy whereof,
Feesofinspect.  I. Be it ena.cd by the Gen.ral Afrtnbly o theflate of North-Carolina, and it is her, by enacted by the autho-
crs.         rity of the fame, that from and after the palling of this a&, the infpe~lors that are or fhall hereafter be ap-
.tered, Vol. 2. pointed to infpea6 tobacco at feveral infpeaions within this fRatei fhatl and may take and receive . . . . . .
219.        for each hundred weight of transfer tobacco by then inpe6ted, the fun of fix pence, and fo in propor-
tion for a fmaller quantity, and no more ; and the turners up of tobacco as hereafter to be appointed, may
take and receive the fum of three fhillings for each hogfhead heor they flall turn up and cooper, and no more.
Persons to as.  II. And be it further enated, That any number of perfons not exceeding ten, thall be appointed by the
sist the inspect, court of the county where fuch infpeaion may be, to turn up and cooper tobacco, and they fhall hold their
or.          appointment during good behaviour.
Inspeaors to   III. And be it also enaled, That the infpe6Tors at each and every infpeLion thall be a judge of the be-
judge of their haviour of the faid turners up, and if they in their opinion find the faid turner or turners up deficient in
behavior, &c. his or their duty, the faid infpeEtors fhall and they are hereby required to report the faid turner or turners
tip ro nifbehaving, to the court of the county in which they are appointed; and if he or they thall be
found guilty of the charge alledged by the faid inlpeaors, in that cafe the court is hereby direaled and
required to remove fuch perfon or perfons from the faid appointment, and appoint another or others in
his or their flead.  Provided, That any perfon bringing tobicco to any of the (aid infpe6ions, fuch
perfon is hereby entitled either by himfelf or otherwife, to turn up, pick, prize and cooper his or their
own tobacco, and to have free accefs to any of the prizes ereated by the county where fuch infpec
tion is, for the purpofe of priking the fame: And if any difpute fhould arife between the parties bring-
ing tobacco to any of the faid warehoufes, the right of preference to the faid prizes fhall be determined
by the infpeaors.
n      sot    IV. And be itfurtber enactedby the authority aforefaid, That if any of the infpe6lors at the feveral infpec-
to iaLe greater tionsi in this ftate, ihall take and receive any greater fees than are by this aa allowed, he or they fo of-
rees than this fending, thall upon conviffion thereof, forfeit and pay the fum of five pounds for each and every offence,
An allows.   to be recovered before any jurifdiion having cognizance thereof, by any perfon luing for the fame, to
the ufe of the profecutor.
V. Repealed. 1790, 65.
VI. And be it further enacted by the authority afortfaid, That the court of each county where a public in-
fpelion of tobacco is eltablifhed, ihall at their firft court after the paffing of this a6t, appoint two perfoni

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