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1783 320 (1783)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0142 and id is 1 raw text is: 320 1783.
At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY, begun and held at Hillsborough, on the Eigh.
covetnor.      teenth Day of April, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Huni
dred and Eighty-three, and in the Seventh Year of our Independence: Befing
the First bession of this Assembly.
CHAP. 1.   .i act for emitting one hundred thonfand pounds in paper currency, for the purfofes of government for feventeen
hundred and eighty-three, for the redmption of paper currency now in circulation, and advancing to the con-
tinental off cers and foldiers part of their pay and fubjilence, and for levying a tax, and appropriating the con!
Jifcated property for the redemption of the money now to be emilted.
W HEREAS the neceflity for money for the purpofes aforefaid is indifpenfable; Be. it enafled by
the General Afembly of thej ate ofNorth-Carolina, and it ir hereby eilacted ly the authority of the rame,
Denomination That one hundred thoufand pounds be emitted in paper bills of credit, on the faith and credit of this Itate,
of the bills  in bills of the following denominations, to wit, Thenty thoufapd bills of forty (hillings each, forty thou-
fand bills of twenty fhillings each, twenty thoufand bills of ten Ihillings each, twenty thouland bills of live
fhillings each, forty thoufand bills of two thillings each, ten thopufand bills of one Ihilling each, and twen-
ty thoufand bills of fix pence each ; that the fame be printed iii a.printing-prefs, and that John Geddy
and James Gillefpie be appointed commiflioners to fuperintend the prefs and number the bills; and that
appointcd.  that John Hunt and Benjamin M'Culloch be appointed commifflioners to fign and deliver the fame to the
public treafurers, to be by them applied as hereafter by this a& directed.
Formn of the  II. And be it further enaEled by the authority aforefaid, That the general form of the bills hereby direa-
IS.        ed to be emitted, thall be as follows, to wit, cc This bill of  fhillings thall be a tender in all payments
.c whatever, agreeable to a  of affembly paffed at Hillfborough, the feventeenth day of IVMay, anno Do-
ff mini, feventeen hundred and eighty-three.  And fuch bills fhall be impreffed and printed, the whole
of them, on thin paper of the fame fabrication, both in the face and the reverfe thereof, on the edges as
low to be   well as the body thereof, with divers letters, marks, devices and words, which may be difficult of imi-
rmed.      tation, and which in the opinion of the faid fuperintendants, may moft effeaually fecure the fluue from
attempts to counterfeit.
Its value. III. And be it further ena~led by the authority afore/aid, That each pound of the emifflon aforefaid, fhall
be deemed and held equal to two and an half Spanith milled dollars, and f-tll be a tender in all payments
Commi'iners  IV. And be it further ena:9ed by the authority afortfaid, That each and every perfon appointed by this aA
to give bond. to fuperintend the prefs, number, fign and pay the bills into the public treiury, thall take an oath wvell
and truly to execute the duties, and dilchargc the truf. by this aslt required  and each and every one of
them thall enter into bond to the governor for the time being, with fiflicient fecurity to be by him ap-
proved, in the fum of one hundred thoufand pounds, for the faithful and due p orformance of the duties
by this aa required.
Their allow-  V. And be it juriher cnafled by the authority qforefaid, That each and every coumiffloner for fuperinten-
iace dr super- ding the prefl, and numbering or figning, and paying into the public ticafry, (ball receive twelve (hil-
signig, Lc.  lings for every thoufand bills by them figned or numbered, and do-livered into the public treafiry, to
be paid out of the money by them paid into the public treatury.
Empowered to  VI. And be it further enaled by the authority aforfaid, That the commiflioners by this na  appointed,
purchase pi. thall be and are empowered to purchafe paper and materi ils, :md to employ a printer to print the faib
I cr andemploy bills, and may draw on the treafury into which the aforfaid bill flall be paid, for the nioney necelfary
a printer.  for the famL, and their drafts (hall be admitted a3 vouchers in the fettlement of the treafurer's public ac-
I      counts.
Types to te   VII. And be itfurther ena~led by the authority afortfuid, That the fuperintendants of the prefs, as foon
cstrqod*   as they have firuck the funi of money hereby dircaed to be emitted, (hall break and deftroy, or caufe to

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