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1782 305 (1782)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0141 and id is 1 raw text is: 1782. SO5
At a General ASSEMBLY, begun and held at Hillsborough, on the Thir- Arannotr
teenth Day ofApril, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun- GCon
dred and Lighty-two, and in the Sixth Year of the Independence of the
said State: Being the first Session of this Assembly.
An al/for raifing troops to compleattde contin'ntal batta'ions of this jfate, and other purpofes.  CHAP. 1;
An act to compel all perfons who have acted as coinniffloners or quarter-ma/lers, in the militia lne of C1Ar. 2.
thi i/ate, to aicounijor publicflores, andfor rejlraining inprfments,- ar.d for other purpoes.  Tenporary.
An aFl for the relief of the £icers andfoldiers in the continental line, and for other purpefe; therein mentioned. CAr. 3.
W      HEREAS the oflicers and foldiers of the continental line of this flate, have fuffered very much 178 3.
by the depreciation of paper currency, as well as by the deficiency of cloathing and other fupplies  784 15.
W                                                                       ) 1784, 18.
that have been due them according to fundry aas and refolves of the general affembly of this Rtate ; and i785, 13,14, 22.
whereas the honourable the continental congress have refolved, that fuch depreciation fhall be made good Vol.2, 91.
to the eighteenth day of Auguft, one thoufand feven hundred and eighty, agreeable to a feale of depreci-
ation eftabilihed
11. Be it enaled by the General Affemubly of the flate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the ri- nepreciation
thority of the fane, That all dTpreciation of pay and fubfiftence, due to any officer or foldier before the allowed.
faid eighteenth day of Auguft, one ihonfand feven hundred and eighty, be made good to them agreeable 1)rslyney Or
to the refolutions (if congrufs, and that they (hall be paid for all defiicncy of cloathing, and that John cl'an01n.
H iwks, James Coor, and William lount, Efquires, or any two of them, be, and they are hereby ap- pmsor er
pointed a board to liquidate, and finally fettle the fame in fpecie.
III. And for the more immediate relief of the parties, Be it enn7ed, That each officer and foldier fliall roreceivecer.
receive indented certihcates, one or more being for twelve months pay and fubfiftence, which thall be ne- tificaes.
gociable in prompt payminit for any public property that may be immediately fold, and (hall receive ano-
ther certificate or certificies, for the bilance, which thall be paid off by any treafurer of the flate, as foon
as the fituation of the finances will permit.
IV. And be it enaled, That the balance, or arrearages, due to any officer or foldier who has been kil- Heirs and wi.
ed in aaion, or died in fervice, fince the eighteenth day of Auguf6, one thoufand feven hundred and dowentitled.
eighty, thall be paid to the heirs of fnch officer or foldier decefed, and that fuch widows ofoflicers and
faldiers decafed, as are by refolve of the affermbly of North-Carolina, entitled to half-pay, thall have the
depreciation made good to theiv, and have their certificates ifTued accordingly.
V. And be it further enafed, That the commiffioners aforelaid fhall each receive twenty-four fhillings Conmisslorers
per day for their trouble in liquilatina, and finally fettling the aforefaid accounts; and that any perfon to pay, andpen.
who thall counterfeit any certificate ifflied in confequence of this law, thall be deemed guilty of forgery, In ee
and fuffer accordingly.
VI. And whereas it is proper.that fome effeatual and permanent reward thould be rendered for the fig- Lands allowed
nal bravery, and perfevering zeal, of the continental officers and foldiers in the fervice of the flate; Be it thetoops,
enacted, That each continental foldier of the line of this fRate, who is now in fervice, and continues to the
end of the war, or fuch as from wounds or bodily infirmities, have been, or (hall be rendered unfit for
fervice, which thall be afcertained by a certificate from the commanding officer, thall have fix hundred
and forty acres of land ; and every officer who is now in fervice, and (hall continue in fervice during the
war, as well as thofe officers who from wounds or bodily infirmities, have left, or may be obliged to leave
VOL. I.                                 41

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