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1781 295 (1781)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0140 and id is 1 raw text is: 1781. 295
At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY, begun and held at Halifax, on the Eighteenth ADNER NASH,
Day    of January, in       the   Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun- Esq. Govrnor.
dred and Eighty-one, and in the Fifth Year of our Independence: Being the
Third Session of this Assembly.
An afl to regulate and eftablith a Militia in thisi ate.               CHAP. 1.
Provided for by ulnequentIls
An act to re4uce to fix continental battalions belohging to thi:fiate to four, to compleat the faidour battalions, CHAP. c,.
and fer other purpofes. therein mentioned.                        All but th two
XVII.       ND be it further enacted by the authority ajorefaid, That James Coor and William Paftkur be Ls0thought m.
appointed commiflioners to print, or caufe to be printed or written, three thoufand five hu- materI to be
dred certificates of feven thoufand five hundred dollars each, of the following form, viz. State of North- Commissioners
c Carolina. This may certify that the bearer is entitled to feven thoufand five hundred dollars, to be paid appointed.
cc out of the public treafury of this flate, with fix pe. cent. intereft, at any time after the firft day of Mrarch,
in the year one thodfand feven hundred and eighty-two, agreeable to a6t of affembly. Given under my
 hand this      day of       one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-one.  And thall in the molt
frugal and expeditious manner deliver, or caue t& be delivered, the faid certificates to the feveral diffria
treafurers on or before the firft (lay of April next, in the proportions following, that is to jay, To the trea-
furer of the diffriat of Newbern five hundred, Wilmington five hundred, Salifbury nine hundred, Hillf-
borough fix hundred, Halifax five hundred, and the remaining five hundred of the faid certificates to the
treafurer of the diftria of Edenton, taking receipts for the fa:.ne : and the faid commifflioners fhlall, pre-
vious to their entering on the printing or writing the fame, take an oath not to print or write, or caufe to
be printed or written, any greater number of certificates than are hereby direaed to be printed or writ-
ten ; and the treafurers of each diftri& are required to attend in perfon, or otherwife, at the place of gen-
eral rendezvous in their refpeaive diflri6ls, and after figning the faid certificates, to deliver one of them
to each volunteer and draft who by virtue of this aa fhall appear at fuch place of rendezvous, taking a
receipt from each individual, for which trouble and expence the faid treafurers thall be allowed in the fet-
tiement of their public accounts : and the treafurer of the diftria of of Newbern fhall advance tathe faid
commiflioners the fum of three thoufand pounds out of the public treafury, to enable them, if neceffary,
to hire expreffes, and purch3fe paper, for the purpofes of procuring and delivering the faid certificates as
direaed by this a& ; for which fum the faid conimiffioners (hall account with the board of auditors, who
are hereby direled to allow them a reafonable compenfation for their fervices and expences in performing
the feveral duties required of them by this a&.
XVIII. And be it further enaled by the authority aforefaid, That whofoever fhall by printing, writing, Pea. for cotn.
engraving, or by any other ways or means, pals or counterfeit, or attempt to pafs or counterfeit, any of terleiting.
the certificates by this a& dirc6ed to be granted, or any part, word or letter, name, emblem or device
of the fame, or (hall make or corifiru& any die, prefs, typ-2, or other infirument, for imitating any of
the faid certificates, or any part, word, letter, name, emblem or device thereof, or thall alter or deface
any of the faid certificates with intent to change the value or denomination thereof, or (hall knowingly
pafs or utter ary counterfeit likenefs of any of the faid certificates, being thereof lawfully convided by
confellion or verdia, or on arraignment or trial (hall ftand mute, or challenge peremptorily more than
thirty-five jurymen, every fuch perfon fhall receive judgment of death, without benefit of clergy, and
ihall fuffer as in cafe of felony.
An aft for appfinting di/lrict auditors for the fetflenient of pubic claims.  CHAP. 9.
W     HEREAS the claims againift this ftate are too numerous to be flttled by the prefent board of au- ain:e.p.5sand
ditors in any realonable time, and whereas it is nlecellhry that the fame thould be immediately asm: der-
fettled;                                                                                        red to.

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