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1780 286 (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0139 and id is 1 raw text is: 286 1780,
AmNr NA,!1 At. a GE NERAL         ASSEMBLY, bagun and held at Newbern, on the Seven-
,Esq. Gcovinor.  teenth Day of April, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun-
dred and Eighty, -and in the Fourth Year of our Independence: Being the
Virst. bession of this Assembly.
CHAP. T.                       An afl to regulate and afcettain the openr fees therein mentioed.
Prov.ded f r; y sub' equent aas.
CHAP. 2.    An ad to amend an as, entitled, c An a& for afcertaining what property in this fRate (hall be deemed tax-
Provided furby   able property, the method of affeffing the fame, and colleding public taxqs, and other purpofes.
CHAP. 3.       An act/or levying a public tax for the year one thot.fand/ven bundred and eighty, andfor other purpofes;
vart tr. porary, the rest provided for.
CHAP. 4.    An a1l fr the more effel7ual.y pieventing engrofing and fore/allne, for the encouragement c/ com-
Rep 2,1780, 9.              merc  and the fair trader, andfor othcr purpoji;. therein mentioned.
CHAP. 5.    An ap for emitting one million two hundred and/orty thoufand pounds in bills of credit, for d!charging the debts
due by this Jate, and other purpofes.
1HEREAS this fRate has incurred debts by raifing men for the defence of this and the United
V    States, for which the public faith fRands pledged; and whereas it is abfolutely neceflary that a
farther Fun ihould be emitted for effeding the completion of the continental battalions of this ftate, and
other purpofes
Mtoney emit. II. Be it therefor enacted by the Getteral rfeibly f the flate of North-Carolina, and by the authority of the
fame, That one million two hindred and forty thoufand pounds be emitted on the faith and credit
of. this fRate, in bills of the following denominations, that is to say one thoufand bills of five hundred dol-
lars each, two thoufand of two hundred and fifty dollars each, five thoufand of one hundred dollars each,
eight thoufand of fifty dollars each, and forty-eight thoufand of twenty-five dollars each; that the fame
be printed. ina printing-prefs, and that Memucan Hunty Henry Rhodes and William Tifdole, Efquires,
be commillioners to fuperintend and number the fame; that Jofeph Leech, James Coor, James Green and
John Macon, Efquires, be commirloners to receive the fame when printed and numbered, to fign the
fame, and pay it into the hands of the public treafurers.
Form of the   Ill And be it litrther enac7ed by the authority aforefaid, That the general form of the bills horeby dire~led
bills.      to be emitted, thall be as follows, viz.  State of North-Carolina. This bill entitles the bearer to.receive
Spanifh milled dollars, or the value thereof in gold or filver, agreeable to an aa of affembly
a paffed at Newbern, the         day of      1780.  And fuch bill thall be impreffed and printed
both in the face and reverfe thereof, on the edges as well as the body thereof, with divers letters, marks,
devices and words, which may be difficult of imitation, and which in the opinion of the faid fuperinten-
dants of the prefs. may moft effeaually fecure the fame from attempts to counterfeit, and fliall befigned
by two of the Laid commiflioners only hereby appointed to fign the faid bills.
Value.        IV. Anti be it also enaed by the authority afore/hid, That every dollar of the emiflion aforefaid, thall
be held and deemed equal to eight fhillings current money of this Rate, and thall pals current at the fame
and be a lawful tender in all payments and contrafs within this fRate.
[The reumainder, excpt the tenth and eleventh fiRions, u- nece//ary to be itferted.]
um  X. And whereas the exigencies of the times, contrary to the prefent expedatibns of the geneul affembly,
may es .    may require a further emiflion of hills of credit before the fitting of the next General A(Tembly: Be it jur-
ted.        ther en cted by the iuthority vforesaid, That i: thall and may be lawful for thi: governor, with the advice and
confent of the council of htate, to caufe to be emitted fuch further fum or fums in the recefl of the affen-

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