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1778 251 (1778)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0137 and id is 1 raw text is: 1778. 251
At a .GENERAL         ASSEIVBtY, begun and held at Newbern, on the Four- RmuA.-CA2.
teenth Day of April, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun- Governor.
dred and Seventy-eight, and in the Second Year of our Independence :
lcing the First bession of this Assembly.
An a6lfoe rajfing men, to complete the continental battalions belonging to this]fate.  CHAP. 1.
An abi for the refraint of vagrants, and preventing defertion.             CHAP. 2
Part of the aa temporary: the rest provided for 1, 1784, 3.
AnaEl to antendan ad, entitled, ti An a& for eftabliflhing officers for receiving entries of claims for lands CHAP. 3.
in the feveral counties withia this ftate, for afeertaining the method of obtaining titles to the fame, Ante, 1. 205.
and for other purpples therein mentioned.                                                   and reerences
W        HIEREAS it has been found by experience that divers parts and claufes ;ii the faid aa. are defe-
ive, fo as to require in fome places an explanation, and in others an amendment ;
II. Bt it therefore enafled by the General A/inbly o the fate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enaRed by Fees returned
the authority ofthfame, That in all cafes where the -quantity of land furveyed (hall fall (hort of the entry, where landis
that the entry takers for each and every county in this ftate fiall and they are hereby commanded and re..
quired, to refund to every perfon who already hath, or hereafter mty make any entry, the exaG deficien-
cy which thall or may appear betwixt the a6tual furvey and the entry, on the return of the faid furvey.
Ill. And be it a/Jo enatied by the authority a oforefaid, That no entry taker for the future fhall prefume to Surveyor's fees
take or receive the fees due by law to the furveyor, but that the fa ne (hall be paid to the furveyor iiii- paid to him.
felf, at the time he really makes the furvey, by the perfon requiring fuch fervice ; and that all the fees
heretofore received by entry takers for the  e of any furveyor, be on application fairly returned to the
perfon who made the entry, and paid fuch fees.
IV. And whereas by an at of this prefent feffion of Affembly it is provided, that two thoufand fix nisputed
hundred and forty eight efle6ive men be immediately called forth from this ftate 1into the fervice of the C aims susipenId
United States, for a fpace of time therein mentioned; and whereas by reafon of fitch fervice, great in-
convenience and difappointments may arife to thofe of them who hath made, or may make any entry of
a claim for lands in this ftate, refpeaing a completion of their titles : Be it enaRed, and it is hereby enafled
by the authority ajorefaid, That in all cafes of difputed claims, where any of the perfons aforefaid, or any
other perfon in the continental fervice from this flate, may be a party, that all proceedings thereupon be
fuflpended and flopped until the firft day of May, one thoufand feven hundred and feventy-nine, or until
the legiflature (hall take further mearures thereupon; and every procedure contrary to the true intent and
r eaning of this feaion, is and are hereby declared to be utterly void, and of no force or effect in
law, of which all entry takers and furveyors are exprefsly required and commanded to make due obferv-
V. And be itfurther enadIed by the authority aforefaid, That for the future no petfon thall prefume to No lands enter.
enter or furvey any lands within the Indian hunting grounds, or without the limits of the land heretofore ed in the Indian
ceded by the Indians, or conquered from them, which limits weftward are hereby declared to be as fol- bouindsl
lows, that is tofay, Beginning at a point in the dividing line which hath been agreed upon between the
Cherokees and colony of Virginia, where the line between that commonwealth and this ftate (hereafter
to be extended) thall crufs or interfe6t the fame ; running thence a right line to the north bank of Hol.
Rein river, at the mouth of Cloud's creek, being the fecond creek below the Warrior's ford, at the mouth
of Carter's Valley, thence a right line to the higheft point of a mountain called the High Rock, or Chim..
ney Top ; from thence a right line to the mouth of Camp creek, otherwife called Al'Names's %,eek, on

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