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1830 i (1830)

handle is hein.ssl/ssms0151 and id is 1 raw text is: di1AP.                 TITLR.                  PAGO.
I.        AN ACT, to extend the laws of the State of
Mississippi over the persons and property of
the Indians, resident within its limits.  5
II.       An act, to authorize the drawing of a Lottery
for the construction pf a road from Liberty,
in Amite County, to Fort Adams, in Wilkin-
son Coqnty,                               6
III.      An act, to authorize Stephen Flowers, guar.
dian of the minor heirs of Thomas Scott, de-
peased, to sell a tract of land belonging to
said heirs.                               9
P1.      An act, to incorporate the East Fork Baptisi
Church, in the County of Amite.   i       '
V.        An act, to authorize the Guardian of the mi-
nor heirs of David Lee, deceased, to make
conveyance of title in a certain tract of land. 10
VI.       An act, to authorize the executor of the last
will and testament of Josiah Gayle,. deceased,
to remove the personal properly of the said
Josiah Gayle, deceased, into the State of
Louisiana, and for other purposes. ,     1*1
VI.       An act, to incorporate the officers and mem-
bers of Hiram Lddge, No. 9, in the State of
VIII       Ant'a, to changb the name of Alexander
Vancourt Schenck,                        13
IX        Au act, to authorize the administratrix of
Robeit J. Lowry, deceased, to transfer reij
estate.                                 ib,
X;        An act, to auth6rize the removal of the pro-
perty of James Oats, into the State of Louis-
Irn.                                    14
XI.       An act; to enable Marcus D. Shelby to sell and
dispose of the real estatei of his s6n, Elbert
Shelby.                                  15
XII.       An act, to incorporate'Mount Albion Baptist
Church.                                 16
XIII       An act, to authorize the administrator and
administratrix of Daniel B. Pinson, deceased,
to sell perspnal property.              17

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