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1826 87 (1826)

handle is hein.ssl/ssms0147 and id is 1 raw text is: 137


AN ACT, to amend an act, entitled 'an act, to establish an addi-
ditional Board of Medical Censors, for the state of Mississippi.'
SEc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre-
Sentatives of the state of Mississippi, in General Assembly
convened, That any two members of the eastern board of Any two
medical censors, shall have the power and authority to fill may fill
any vacancies, which have or may occur in said board, as vacancies.
fully and effectually, as a majority thereof.
SEc. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said medical Where to
board shall hereafter hold their meetings in the town of meet,
Monroe, in the county of Perry,
Approved, January 4, 1826.
AN ACT, concerning the three per cent. Fund.
SEc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives, of the state of Mississippi, in General Assembly
convened, That his excellency the governor of this state, be
and he is hereby authorized to collect from the general
government, from time to time, the three per cent. fund,
which this state may be entitled to from the proceeds of the
sales of public lands, and to deposite the same in the trea-
sury of this state, to be appropriated as may be directed by
act or acts of the legislature of this state, and the treasurer
shall open an account of said funds to be denominated 'the
three per cent. fund,' and said fund shall not be used for
any other purposes than those authorized by law.
Approved, January 25, 1826.
AN ACT, to amend 'an aet, prescribing the mode of ascertaining and
assessing the taxable property within this state, and for collecting the
public revenue.'
Suc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- Additiont
sentatives of the state of Mississippi, in General Assembly  tax.
convened, That in addition to the taxes already imposed by

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