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1805 [i] (1805)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0373 and id is 1 raw text is: At a SESSION of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of

MARYLAND, begun and held

at the CITY

ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the 4th of November,
in the year of our Lord i805, ant ended the a8th
day of January, 1i8o6, the following Laws were
ROBERT           BOW     IE,    EsQUIRE,      GOVERNOR.
C   H   A  P.     I.
An ACT to settle and ascertain the salary of the members of the
council for the ensuing year.
B   E IT ENACTED, by the Generat.Assrnbly of MAwyland, That each niember of the council shall be
entitled to receive, for the ensuing year, the sum of two hundred pounds for his salary.
C   H-  A  P.    II.
An ACT granting leave to the trustees of Bethel congregation, in
Harford     county, to receive a deed for, and hold, the land therein
SIIERA-AS the trustees of Bethel congregation, by their petition lo this general assembly,
have representcd, that the said congregatiol hought three acres oF land under lease, for tie
purpose of building a house of woishi), and paid for the same, a considerable time before the A me-
rican revolution ; that they erected a house of worship thereon, and laid out a portion thereof for a
burying-grotnd, which ha th been used for these purposes ever Since ; that the said congreg ltion hath
been in orp.ratcd according to law. a nd have purchased the fee in said three acres rom the state,
and have p).lid the CoilipoSitionl Money into tile treasury, and did appoint 'liollzis Hope, a nieniber
of the socie ty, to obtain a patent for the same fIr the use of said eongregation, aid that the patenlt
hath issued in his 1a:lie actco'diiigly, and that lie being advan(ed in years, is desirous to convey the
Sale to the s5id trustee% hii tli..N' are r,clu,led from receiving the s~tlliC by the declaratioin of' ights,
without leave of the legislat'e; thll  also  refICil'nt, that any diminution will most Itcrially ill-
jure said lot, either by taking ;1%vay the Church or exa ludi'n   ai.c pa t of the buryin g-grotind,
they theorfore Ira)' tlht a law , Y pa ss yrintill-g leave, and ;Wtthorising the said Thomas ilope, to
coax Qv to said trn,;t ces. ;mn tlir SlccktssorS, the said three acres ot land for the purpos aforesaid;
and the same being cosiLered reCsoiablC, therefote,
II. Br. IT ENACT.ED, /y te General /ssm/','y of Alarylland, That the heave of this legislature is here-
by given to tle said 'l' h,.,aas H1ope to LlllV\'O to the trustees of Bethel  o1nigregatin, and tlei r suc-
cessols, ill f'e, by tou of 1h:1.ill g i d suIe, to be eXetted, ackno~vledged and reCordId, aCCOrcdl~g
to ltw, all and singular h the three tt'acres of and, whitar.oii is ertd'etl the hosV Of worsh1ip, and vhich
includes tile buryai1- rotind, belonging to said congregattion, and tho saidf trustees, alnl their sicCCS-
sors, are hereby authortised alid empowered to hold the satel for the l)t'poseS aforesaid lor ever

I C  II  A   P.    III.
An    ACT      for the relief of.       homas Webb, :of Montgomery county.
1 lEREAS Thomas Webb, of Montgomcry county, emigrated to, ,aii stflcd ill, this state,
and sinre his emigration and settlement as aforesaid, has acvqiaired real property tlterein, ,nd
his title to such property, from his not hvi ng become naturalized agreeably to the laws of the
United States, may be called in question, to his great detriment and injury ; therefore,

Passed 25th oF
January, x8o6.
Passed 25th of'
January, i8o6.

1'ascd 2th or
J anuay, 18o6.

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