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1799 [i] (1799)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0367 and id is 1 raw text is: 1799. NOYEMBE ,                 LAWS          o     M ARYLA ND.-
begun and held at the CITY of ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the
4th of November, in tie year of our Lord                  1799, and ended the
3d-day of January, 1 8oo, the following laws were ena&ed.
C   H  A   P.    I.
ja  1o   An    ACT      to  authorife and      empower the levy         court of Dorchefler
county to affefs and levy annually a fum             of money for the fu pport
of Efther Kenner.          Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 245.
Preamble.   ATHEREAS Either Kenner, of Dorchefter county, by her petition to this general affiembly, hath
V     fet forth, that fiue is now advanced in the feventy-third year of her age, has been totally
blind from her youth, and was formerly allowed a penfion from faid county, but fince the poor.houfe
law took place in ifid county flec has been fupported by the benevolence of a few friends, but from
her increafing infirmity requires more afliftance than they are able to give, and prays an a&l may paLs
to provide For her fupport out of the poor's houfe ; and the fa46ls ftated in faid petition appearing to
be true, therefore,
Juftices to levy  II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General ,Almb of Abarykand That the juffices of the levy court of
money, &c.  Dorchefter county fliall be and are hereby dire6eed and empowered, at their levy court annually, fo
long as they fhall fee caulfe, to affefs and levy on the affeffable property of lfaid county, a fum of
money, not exceeding thirty dollars, for the flupport and maintenance of the faid Efther Kenner, and
that the fame be colle6ted and paid annually by the colle6tor of Dorchefiter county to fuch perfon as
the levy court of raid county fliall or may dired.
C II   A   P.    II.
An    ACT     to   fettle and   afcertain the falary of the         members of the
council for the enfuing year. Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 245.
.S.lary atcer.  .lE IT ENACT.D, by the Generai Aembly of A1aryland, that each ,nen.ber of the council fliall
taincd.    B    he entitled to receive for the enfuing year the fum of two hundred pounds current money
for his falary.
C   11 A   P.    III.
An    ACT     to authorife and       empower the        levy   court of Dorchefter
county to affefs and levy annually a fum of money for the fupport
of Philemon Brooke. Lib. JG. No. 3, fol. 245.
Preaml.   ATHERHAS Philemon Brooke, of Dorchelter county, by his petition to this general affr.mbly
WV     hath ft forth, that he is far advanced in life, having had the misfortune to lore his eye-fight
when very young, and has no other dependence whereby to flubfift but on the benevolence of his
friends, and prays an aS may paLs to provide for his future maintenance out of the poor-houle ; and
the faqs lated in faid petition appearing to be true, therefore,
J1ltices to levy  II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General A4fimbly of May/and, That the juftices of Dorchefter county
neyI0, &. flhall be and they are hereby direed and empowered, at their levy courts annually as long as they,
in their dl'cretion, may think proper, to affefs and levy on faid county a lfum of money, not exceed.
ing thirty dollars, for the upport and maintenance of the faid Philemon Brooke, and that the filid
fum be colletled and paid to the aforefaid Philemon Brooke hy the collclor or collecors of Dor-
chefter county, for the liurpofes aforcfaid, agreeably to the order of the levy court of faid county.

C H A P.

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