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1797 [i] (1797)

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begun and held at the CITY of ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the
6th of November, in the year of our Lord 1797, and ended the
,2ft day of January,          1798, the following laws were enated.
J 0   H   N    H   E  N   R  Y,    ESQJIR.,     GOV.RNOR.
C   1-1  A  P.    1.
An ACT to fettle and afccrtain the falary of members of the council for the enfuing year. Lib. Pafled 2oth of
JG. No. -. fol. 573.                                                                       Jan. 1798.
C   H   A  P.    I.
An ACT to alter and change the name of Sanuel Berry Atchifon, of Charles county. Lib. JG.
No. 2. fol. 573. A Private A61.
C   H   A  P.     Ill.
An    ACT      relating    to  the   militia   of Allegany       county.       Lib. JG.
No. 2. fol. 574.
W       HEREAS it has been reprefented to this general affembly, that the citizens of Allegany Preamble.
county are fubjeLfted to great inconvenienctes In being obligecl to attend rnectings in regiment,
owing to local circumnfances that peculiarly attach thenifelves to faid county; and it appearing juft
and reafonable that the legiflature ihould afford relief, therefore,
II. Bz IT rENACT.D, liy the General AJfmbly Of Aarylond, That the field-oflhcers now having, or that Officers to ap-
inay hereaftcr have, the command of the militia of raid county, be and they are hereby authorifed poit days, &c.
and empowered to appoint frme day or days, not exceeding four days in each year, for the pcrr'ons
compoling, or who may compol'e, the militia of faid county, to meet and exercife (at fitch place or
laces in raid county as the field-officers of faid county nimAy deem convenient,) in battalion or coni-
panies, as may be moft expedient, inflead of the meeting in regiment as diree1cd by the fourteenth
feClion of the aa to regulate and ditlcipline the militia of this liate.
III. AND DE IT ENACTED), That the perfons compoling, or who may coinpofe, the militia of faid l'crrons liable
county, fhall be liable to the faine fties and fort' iturcs for not attending at fitch meeting or meetings to fines, &C.
appointed by virtue of this a6t, as they would heretofore have been liable to in not attending the
nectings in regiment or battalions as eflabliflled by law.
IV. AND DY IT ENACTED, That the field.officers of faid county flhall not dirc& more than one one netingin
neeting of eaci battalion in faid county in any one year.                                   battalion.
Ql q q                                 V. This

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