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1795 [i] (1795)

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begun and held at the CITY of ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the
2d of November, and ended the 24th day of December, 1795,
the following laws were enated.




C        H  A  P.' I.
An ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of the members of the council for the enfuing year. Palled 24thof
Lib. JG. No. 2. fol. 2,71.                                                               Dec. 1795.
C   H  A   P.    Il.
An    ACT      to  enable the court of appeals to continue certain caufes.
Lib. JG. No. 2. fol. 271.
E IT .NACTED, by the General4fenbly of AIaryland, That the court of appeals, now fitting, be Court naycon.
B   and they are hereby authorifd to continue any caulfe depending in tile faid court until and tenuccaures.
during June term next which they may think proper, in order for a hearing on the merits between
the parties, and not for delay.
C  H   A   P.    III.
An ACT for the deftrution of crows. Lib. JG. No. 2. fol. 271.
B     E IT ENACTrD, by the General 4/fembly of Maryland, That if any perfon refiding in Anne-Arundel, Pcr{ons to bt
Prince-George's. Charles, Dorchelter or Calvert counties, (hall bring to aly juffice or the allowed, Ik.
peace of the county in which fuch perfon (hall refide, the head or heads of any crow or crows, fnch
perron fliall, for every fuch head, be allowed, in the county levy of the faid county, the frm of fix-
pence current. money; and the juftice of the peace before whom fiuch head or heads flall be brought
is hereby required to give the perfon bringing the fame a certificate thereof, and caufe the fhid head
or headi to be burnt, or otherwif deftroyed.
II. PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, AND BE IT ENACTED, That r.o perfon whatfoever flill be entitled Proviro.
to any allowance for any fuch head or heads, without firft making oath, clat Irich crov; or crows was
or were killed in the county where fich certificate is applied for, and that no certificate hath been
obtained from any other juitice of the peace for the fame.
III. This a6t to continue a'nd be in force till the thirtieth day of January, feveteen hundred and Durati0,
Continued by 1798, ch. 71, to 3oth Oobcr, 1005, &c.



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