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1791 [i] (1791)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0358 and id is 1 raw text is: G B 0 R-G E P L'A T E R,  EsqUUtM, GOVEiNOR.

begunand held at the CITY of ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the
7th, of     November,       and .ended      the   3oth    of   December,       in   the
year of our Lord         179 [, the     following laws were ena&ed.
G  E OR G      E  'PL A T E.R, ES0FpIRE,, GOVERNOR..
C   H  A   P.    L.
An    ACT      to  continue     certain caufes in      the   high   court of appeals, P          2th-, o
•            •      Dec. i791,
Lib. JG. No. z. fol. 373.-
HEREAS. there are two caures now depending in the high court of appeals, the one between Preambi.
W     Benedi6l Calvert's. leffee, and Robert Eden, and others, the other between Simon Wicks and
Mary his wife, and John Sutton, and others,. which cannot be continued by the raid court without
an a6b of affembly for that purpofe. And whereas it appears to this-general affembly, that from the
attendance of one of the coun'el concerned in. the fald caufes. as a member of the houfe of dele.
gates, the removal of two others to the judiciary department, and of the indilfpofition of a fourth,.
a hearing of the laid caufes, could not be had with juftice to the parties, who are. therefore defirous.
of continuing the fame,.
I1 BE IT ENACTED, by the General.d mbly of Maryland, That the fdid two aaions flall be conti. Aaions conti.
nued, and they are hereby continued to the next court of appeals, any thing in any law to the con- nued.
trary notwithifanding..
C     H   A P.   IL..
An ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of lembers of the council for the enfuing year. Lib.
JG. No. . fol. 374.
C   H  A   P.     III.
An ACT to lay a further tax on Cxcil county to complete the.
court-houfe, prifon and prifon           yard,. at Elkton.       Lib. JG. No. z'.
fol. 3.7461
HEREAS it has been reprefented to this gencral affembly, by the commiffioners.appointed Premble.
under an a61, V entitled, An aa for the removal of the feat of juftice from Charles-town to P 1786, cli 20o.
the Head of Elk, in Czecil county,.that the fuirther fum of feven hundred pounds will be neceflry
to complete the laid buildings; which fum the Laid commiflioners, and other inhabitants, have pray.
ed may be levied, in two annual payments, on the inhabitants.of Qecil county,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the Gen'eral 4Jfimbly of ZMaryland,. That the juftices of Ca cil county be and Juilices to levy.
they are hereby empowered and direclted to levy and aftefs, at their next levy court, the fum of Ce- money, &c.
yen hundred pounds on the affeff'able property in Laid county, togetherwith the colleaor's commifli-
ons for collecting the fame; which taid flm, fo to be affeffed and levied, fhall be colledied by tie
colleclor of laid county, one half in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-two,.and the other half
in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-three, in the Lame manner as thu public and county affef1.
ments are by law colle&ed, and the fame, as Loon as collc6led, flall, by the laid collelor, be paid to
the laid.commiflioners, or their. orderi for. the purpofe of completing the faid public' buildings.
C   H  A   P.    IV.
An- ACT to authorife the commiflToners for building a court-houfe
at Eaffon, in      Talbot county, to fell and difpofe of the old court-
houfe,     and, for. other      purpofes     therein    mentioned.         Lib. JG.
No. x. fol. 375.'
A Supplement ch. 28.
W THEREAS it is reprefented to 'this general affembly, that the commiflloners for building a Preamblq.
V.V ¥  court-houfe qt Eafton, in TIalbot county, are of opinion.that the fpot on which the old court-.

Novk&BER. 1 91*

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