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1788 [i] (1788)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0355 and id is 1 raw text is: 7 .     qovEM'   .         LA WS       oF  MARYLAND.
begun and held at the CITY of ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the
3d of Noiember, and ended the 23d day of December, in the
year of our Lord 1 788, the following laws were ena&ed.
C H A P.     I.
Paffed 2,.d of
Dc. 1788  An ACT    to enable the judges of the general court to continue cer-
tain caufes therein mentioned, and to adjourn the county courts
therein mentioned. Lib. JG. No. z. fol. i.
A Supplement, ch. 9.
Preamble.  W T1EREAS reveral gentlemen having bufinefs in the faid courts are obliged to attend the gene-
V   ral affenlhlv as members thereof, :111d fUndry  caufes in  the general court are ready for trial,
and cannot by law be continued beyond the prcfent Oaobcr term ;

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the Genetral,0jfembly of 2faryland, That the judges of the general court
may, in their difcretion, continue all caules now depending in the general court for the welern fliore,
to the fecond Tuefday of May next.
III. AND n., IT FACT1m, That the court of Montgomery county to be held on the fecond Tilef-
day of November, fliall be and is hereby adjourned to the fecond Tuefday of January next ; and the.
coirt for Waflhington county to be held on the fourth Tuefday of November, flall be and is hereby
adjourned to the fourth Tuefday of January next.
C  H   A   P.    II.
An ACT for the adjournment of Ilarford county court. Lib. JG. No. x. fol. z.
C  H   A   P.    III.
An ACT'F to Irevent the going at large of fwine, goats and geefe, in Elkton, in Ctecil county. Lib,.
JG. No. I. fol. 2. Repealed by 1793, ch. 42.

C H A P.    IV.
An ACT to encourage the deflroying of wolves.
fol. 3.

Lib. JG. No. i.,

Supplements 1790, ch. 8, November, 1792, ch. 3.
r',eamble.  ATIIE]AS it appears to this general affemnbly, that wolves are very numerous and nifebicevous
W      in many of the counties in this flate, and that they deftroy great numbers of flheep;

Juftice to give
a certificate,

II. Br IT ENACTED, by the General ,fJemby f kilaryland, That when and as often as any credible
free perfon or perfons fliall bring before any jultice of the peace, within any of the counties of this
Rlate, the head or heads of any wolf or wolves, and make oath, (or aflirntation,) that the wolf or
wolves of which he or they produce the head or heads were alually caught and killed within the
limits of that county in which lie or they pray an allowance, and within lix days next before the pro-
duchin, the fame to frich juitice, that then fich jutlice flall, and lie is hereby authoril'ed and direlced,
to give filch pcrfon or perfons producing, a certificate for fuch head or heads produced and proved
as aforefaid, and in fuch certificate to niention the oath, (or affirmation,) taken, anti therein diffin-
guifling which or how many of the heads of the old or young wolves ; and every jullice who fliall
have alny wolf's head or heads brought before him by any perfon or perfons as aforefaid, fliall be and
lie is hereby authorifed and empowered to judge of the age of the faid wolf or wolves, of which the
head or heads was brought before him, and if fuch juftice fhiall believe the age of fl:cl wolf or wolves
to exceed lix months, that then he flhall diflinguifl the fame in his certificate b)y the words old wolf
or wolves i and that evcry juilice, before whom any wolf's head is brought) and by whom a certifi-
c te

CaifL.. may be
Courts adjom.

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