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1787 i (1787)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0352 and id is 1 raw text is: 1797. At a SESSION of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of MARYLAND,
begun and held at the CITY of ANNAPOLIS, on Tuefday, the
x oth of April, and ended the 26th day of May, in the year of
our Lord 1787, the following laws were enaded.
C   H  ,A  P.    .
Tif-cd i5,th of An ACT for quieting thc efllate of William Carmichael in Roufby's Recovery, and confirming his.
1,1y, 1787.  titie to the fame. Lib. TIBI. No. Di. fol. 185. A Private AM.
C   H  A   P.     II.
An ACT       for laying out roads from         Snell's bridge and Green's bridge,,
on   Patuxent, to       the   bridge   over Patapfco       falls,   near Ellicott's.
lower mills.       Lib. TBH. No. B. fol. 187.
A Supplement November, 1787, ch. 4.
Prearble.        1F7IIIREAS a number of the inhabitants of Frederick, Montgomery and Anne-Arundel coun-
AV     tics, have reprefented to this general affeimbly, that they fuffer great inconv'enience in tranf-
poting their produce to market for want of a gooAl road from Sncll's bridge over Fatuxent river,
through Annc-Artindel county, to the bridge over Patapfco falls, near Ellicott's lower mills, and a
road from where Green's bridge now flands over Patuxent, to lead into the aforefaid road where it
mlay be found moft convenient; and that a fubfcription is opeued, and a confiderable um is already
fbih'ci ibcd towards making the faid roads, which fubfcription is intended to be continued till a fufli-
ciunt furn is raifed to complete the laid work, without laying the public at large under any expence
an  prayed that commiffioiiers may be appointed to lay out the [aid roads in the mofl advantageous
manner, and to a;lnfwer bell tie purpofes intended thereby, and that tie faid cominiflionei's be em-
powered to julge of the difadvantages accruing to the proprietors of the land through which the faid
rnadls miay pafs ; and further, that they may be authorifed to receive the fubfcription money aforefaid,
alt..[ : ~PP' it to paying the damages fullained by the proprietors aforefaid, and to laying out and clear-
iug thme flii roads, and that the faid roads when 1o laid out, may be eflablifled as public roads for
ever ; all which appearing reafonable and proper,
Coinmlif.ncrs  II. 1BE IT r.NAcrr:D, by the General 4.fimbly of Maryland, That Richard Green, Nathaniel Ow-
appoiivnci,  -. in';s and John E1llicutt, or any two of themi, be and they are hereby appointed commiflioners, and
ar,- herelv a uthorifed to lay off as aforefaid, at the expence of the fubfcribers, a waggon road fortv-
niC and a halr feet wide, from Snell's bridge over Patuxent river to the bridge over Patapfco falls,
near Ellicott's lower mills, in the mnoft convenient direcfion, and allo a road forty-nine and a half
feet Nvldl, from Green's bridge over Patuxent river to lead into the aforefaid road where it may be
fumld moll convenient ; which faid roads, when fo laid out, and the damages to individuals paid,
flhll be deemed and taken to be pulic roads for ever, and flall be cleared and completed at the cx-
pence of the fubfcribers, agreeably to tle petition aforefaid.
Wilo are to6p .  III. AND liE i'r B E  ,c'), That the commifioners aforefaid may appoint one of their number as
point a trcau- treafurer, who is hcreby enjoined and empowered to collcdt and receive all monies fubfcribcd, or that
1Cr, &C, clnay

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