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1785 [i] (1785)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0350 and id is 1 raw text is: At a SESSION oF the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of
MARYLAND, begun and held at the CITY of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the 7th of November,
in the year of our Lord 1785, and ended the i zth
day of March, 1 786, the following laws were ena&ed.
C   H   A   P.    1.
An ACT to approve, confirm and ratify, the compaaf made by the Paffed 12th ,C
commiffioners appointed            by   the general affembly of the common- March, 1786.
wealth of Virginia, and the commiffioners appointed by this fiate,
to regulate and fettle the jurifdiaion and navigation of Patowmack
and Pocomoke rivers, and that part of Chefapeake bay which lieth
within the territory of Virginia.              Lib. TBIJ     . No. A. fol. 584.
W    IIERIFAS, at a meeting of the cominiflioners appointed by the general allemblies of the com. 1'rcamblt.
VY nionwealth of Virginia and the late ofr Maryland, for forming a compal between the two
flates, to regulate and fettle the jurifdi&ion and navigation of Patowmack, Pocomoke rivers, and
that part of Cheflapeake bay which lieth within the territory of Virginia, to wit: George MIafon
and Alexander Henderlon, Efquires, on the part of the commonwealth of Virginia, and Daniel of
Saint Thomas Jcnifer, Thomas Stone and Samuel Chafe, E rquires, on the part of the IRate of Mary.
land,-at Mount Vernon, in Virginia, on the twenty-eighth day of March, in the year one thoufand
feven hunidrcd and eighty-five, the following compa6t was mutually agreed to by the iaid conumit
fioners. Firft, I'he commonwealth of Virginia dit'clainis all right to impofe any toll, duty or charge,
prohibition or reftraint, on any, veffiel wvhatever failingr through the capes of Chefliapeake bay to tile
Rtate of Maryland, or from the faid fiate through the Laid capes outward bound, and agrees that the
waters of Chefapeake bay, and the river Pocontoke, within the limits of Virginia, be for ever con-
lidered as a common highway, free for the ufe and navigation of any vefltl belonging to the fahid
flate of Maryland, or any of its citizens, or carrying on commerce to or from the laid flate, or with
any of its citizens, and that any fuch veffel, inward or outward bound, may freely enter any of the
rivers within the commonwealth of Virginia as a harbour, or ror fafety agaiinf an enemy, without
the payment of port duties, or any other chargc; and alfo that the before.mentioned parts of (llfa-
peake and Pocomoke river be free for the naviga;tion of vell'els from one port of the flate of
Maryland to another. Second, The Ilate of ALryland agrees, that liny veffel belonging to the com.
monwealth of Virginia, or any of its citizens, or carrying,'4 on commerce to or (oin the laid com-
monwealth, or with any of its citizenm , may freely enter any of the rivers  f the Laid frate of Mary-
land as a harouir, or for fafety againft an unemy', without the lpayment of any port duty, or any
other charge. 'Ihird, Veirels -of war, the property of either itate, fliall not be fubjcea to the pay-
inent o any port duty, or other charge. Fourth, Veil'k:ls not execeding forty feet keel, nor fifty
tonis bitrthen, the property of any citizen ol' Virginia or Maryland, or of citi;ens of both ffates,
trading from one ftate to the other only, and having on lb :ard only the pro(huce of the faid flates,
may enter and trade in any part of either at, with a permit frow the naval-oflicer of the cliflria
from which fuch v'cfrQ departs with her cargo, and Ihall be fubjeat to no port charges. Fifth, All
merchant veffels (except fLch as are defrribed in the fourth article) uaviwatim g the river Patowmack,
flall enter and clear at fome nav\al-ofice on thr, faid river in one or both Ittatts, according to the
laws of the flate in which the entry fliall be nmle; and where any vefhl (hall make an entry in both
thates, fuch velfel liall be fuhjca to tonnage in eaCh hatte, only in proportion to the commodities
carried to or taken from fuch ilate. Sixth, The river l'atowniack thall be confidured as a common
bighway for the purpofe o navigation and comimerce to the citizens of Virginia ant Maryland, anld
I        io                               f of

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