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1782 [i] (1782)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0345 and id is 1 raw text is: 1782.

L'A WS' o- MAR rL N'D.

of MARYLAND, begun and held at the city of
ANNAPOLIS, of Tuf day the twenty-fifth of April,
in the-year of 94i Lord'one thoufand 'fevtn hund* d
and-eighty-tw,            nd end d the x3th day of June:
The fbllowin4 laws weretena&ed.
TOeMA's     1M   LE) Efq;' Governor.
An ACT f6r the adjolir4*pt -of 'ivil dauiesIruled for trial at the neat general
, . .piit' foi the wieftrn hore.
The raid caures Am to ftanrio   itl onk 'the firri~t-' I[   2&d, and 3d weeks in Jurmc next1
as they are marked for in thc ad, 3d, and 4th weeks in Mq ; but the court may ,4point other dy pt
difcretion, of they may continu 'te caufes. Summonfes for witnelfes in thefe cauks hall be returnable
three weeks later than the days which they exprefs ; and th'e petit jurors 1hall attend on the if Ti'tCd ay
in June, inflead of the if: Tuefday in May, or be liable to a fine, not egceeding .  15. In cafe a fl-
cient number of them fhall not attend, a vmir, de circUmftanttius may iffue to the klieriffof Anne-Arunddl
to fummon the number requifite for the trial of any particular caue; ,but no perfon thus furmmxnd fhall
be compelled to ferve on more than one trial.' And for the trial of crimiuals, at the court ii cotrfe, a
fimilar vinhtrv may iffue.
C    H    A:, P.     II.
A  Bill, entioled, An A      T  for an  addition   to Baltimore-town, in
-Baltimore county.
yciramble.  W       HEREAS John Eager Howard, of Baltimore-town, by his humble
IX    T    petition to this general affmbly, hath let foith, that he is feized and
poffeffed of great part of a tra& of land called Lun's Lot, part of which
hath been heretofore laid 'out into lots, aid annexed to Baltimore.town, which
faid lots have been built upon and conliderably impoved ; and that it would tend
greatly to the advantage of the (aid torc, in-cafe other parts of the (aid tra& of
land were laid out into convenient ftreeta, lanes and alleys, and therefore prayed a
law might pafs for that purpofe ; and it appearing to this general affembly, that
to extefid the limits of the faid town would contribute to promote the trade and
commerce thereot.
colinino,- 1 II. 2  e ft t4aftb by the general a#fmsy 'fMarytand, That the commiflioners
crx to C.,l,  of Baltimore--ton, or the mijor parT oft iben, be authoriled and required, at
kip t, f:Ar-                               ' of   ' f,-'ilf      h' frfd      rdo
,, . t, &A. any time before the firft day of Septe F next, to cause the aforefaid tra& of
land, or fuch part ti meof as they may think neceffiry (not already incorporated
and made parr of the town aforefaid) to be furvtyed and laid out into lots, ftreets,
lamrs and alleys, at the proper coil and expence of the'Ald John Eager Howard,
in fuch manner as to the fiad commiffioners, or a major part of them, lhall feem
,t i     - III. aIflb be it cnafte, That lie comiffltoners aforefaid, or a major part of
',c,. S.  them, flill, on or before the faid'firft day of September, caure a corre&t and ac-
curate furvey -and plot to be made of the laid land, and ofall the lots, flreets,
lanes and alleys, which fhall be laid out in virtue of this adt; and the 'laid plot
fliail be recorded ambngA the records of the faid town, as foon as conveniently
may be thereafter, there to remain as evidence of the boundaries, fituation and
location, of the faid lots, and of the tiiects, lanes and alleys , which laid ftreets,
lanes and alleyA, hereafter io be laid out in purfuance of this a&, flall be high-
ways, and be fo deemed and taken to all intents and purpolfs whatever; and
when:thc f unmfhall be done, the faid sand, tb furveyed and laid out, thall be,
and is hereby'decl'red to be, part of Baltimore-town, as fully and amply as if
inchided originally therein, and flil! have the fame immunities and privileges as
the rcil of the flid town has, or by former laws ought to have; faving to the
Catc of Maryland, and all bodies politic and corporate, and all peroins not mcn-
tiolltId i:n  th, ac),  ti ' 1 f 1t'.  d an ti reflutivr  ,if t ,
1' II  A  1'.

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