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1781 [i] (1781)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0344 and id is 1 raw text is: 7'H 0 M.4             S S.1 M       L E E, Efq; Goverhor.                            1781,
of MARYLAND, begun and held- at the city of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday the fifth of November, in
the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred
and cighty-one,'and ended thl 2zd day of January,
feventeen hundred and eighty-two: The following
laws were ena&ed.
THOMAS SIM LEE2 Efq; Governor.
C    H    A    P.     I.
An ACT       for the relief of Mary Polton.      PR.
C    H    A    P.  I    .
An ACT refpeting the fale of the iron-works late belonging to Jarnes Ruffll
and company.
'he commiffloners of confifcated property are to lay out the lands belonging to the faid works into
finall terms, referving entire as much of the water and ground as may be necefiry to carry on the fiorges.
T he refidue of the ftream they are to lay out into as many mill feats as conveniently may be, with a
proer tquantity of land on each ide. They are to fell, tor the purpofe of redeeming black money, no
more of the poperty pledged than is neceflitry ; and they are to fell the -remainder for continental Rate
r0ner, taki:w, |roma each purchal~r a bond, with two good furetesi for the payment of one third of the
conoleratio ,, with interet|, on or before the ill day of Septemher, in each of the years 1782, 1783, and
C    II   A    P.     III.
Au ACT      lor veiling an eftate for life in Daniel Heefter the younger, and an eftate
in fke-fimple in Rotannah       his wife, in fourteen hundred acres of land lying in
Wa(hiinton cotnty, and       in five lots of land lying in Elizabeth-town in the
CA.id cowty. PR.
C    H    AP.         IV.
An ACT to raife the fupplies for the year feventeen hundred and eighty-two.
I'V irP,,hn a tax of 45f on every . oo worth of private property. For this tax red money is re-
ceivable at par, black at two for one, continental Rate at three for one, and none of thefe, when paid into the
treafur ', Ih:ll be re-illited. Thofe certificates which the fRate has engaged to difcount, are to be taken at
rattes t be arcertained by the fcale laid down for adjulling public debts. Frelh pork is to be taken at
, /; b.:cf on the hoof, adding the fifth quarter to the weight of net beef, at 33.f4 falt pork at L.6 for
vach barrel containing 2zob. net, wheat at 7J6, fine wheat flour, in barrels, at 18f9 fhort hundrld, with
allowance of 3/'for the barrel, new transfer tobacco at x7JAi and new crop ditto at 22pJB, %ith allowance
of four pir .eat. for caflk, bar iron at £. 3 per ton. A commiflary is appointed foy one year, to commence
on the i It of January, whore duty it is to take care of public provifions, make purchafes, and tranfport
thu (jecifics a,,rCeCablV to the orders of the executive, eo whom, regularly once in four months, and when.
ever at othr times rcqluired, he fhall render fair accounts of his tranfa~tions.  He is required to appoint
in each count%', at lealt one ,epaty, WaoltM  he is to £'uperintend, taking care to inifrua him not to raife
the mtarket. *For the coudu'. of this deputy he is to be anfwerable, and therefore he ihall have power to
remove him at pleafure. Refore this commiflitry-general fhall a&, he is required to ;ive bond, &c. In
cilf  of a vacancy ini the office, the executive is to appoint another. The allowance is '. 6oo for travel-
lin. ex pences, and a commifion of three per tent. on beef, pork, wheat and flour, according to their
aforefaid eltimated prices ; and befides this, he is to be reiruburfed all rums na 'efarily expended in the
execution of his ofice, except for travelling expences.
CHAP.                 V.
An ACT for the trial and punifhment of fpics.
Any perfon charged with teing a fpy, or an emiflary from the enemy, may be tried by a tribunal ap.
1.i1,ltcd by the executive, compofed of military or militia officers, whoe fentence, if ratified by the go-
vcrifr, may extend to take away his life. Tie a t palled under this title lahl feflion, was fiamed in
a h-,r', anl during anl alarm, which was occafioned by the report of an extcnfive and dangerous con-
fpir'v in the back coumties. At that time there was a colour of neceflity for depriving citizens in tome.
ct( , of the conilituticial trial by jury, but at the time when this aa was framed, the bate machimtions of
ti.' ,..imy had bee,, 'nfbided, andmany of the confpirators had been punifhed by a due courfe of law.
1,11i, I,to, 11twitlhtnding, remained il force until the clofe of the war. Happily no lives were taken
aw.,. 11, virtue of it, and no occafion occurred on which its legality was queftioned in a conflitutional
court  , ,,i tr.
CH        A    P.     VI.
A n ACT to make valid a deed from Lemuel Cravath to Nathaniel Ramfey. PR.

C 11A P.

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