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1780 [i] (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0342 and id is 1 raw text is: At a SESSION of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY
of MARYLAND, begun and held at the city of
ANNAPOLIS, on Tuefday the feventeenth of Oao-
ber, in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven
hundred and eighty, and ended the zd day of Fe-
bruary, feventeen hundred and eighty-one: The
following     laws were enaaed.
THOMAS SiM      LEr, Efq; Governor.
C   H   A    P.   I.
An ACT for the adjournment and continuance of feveral of the county courts
within this ftate.
Saint-Mary's county court to Monday the i8th of December ; Charles county court to the Monday
before the recond Tuefday in January; Prince-George's county court to the fourth Tuefday in January.
C   H   A    P.    II.
An ACT for the adjournment and continuance of the general court of the weflern
fhore, and the feveral county courts therein mentioned.
The generl court to the Monday before the fecond Tuefday in May next; Frederick county court
to the fecond Tuefday in January; Montgomery county court to the firft Twefday in January; Wafh-
ington county court to the third Tuerday. in January ; Talbot county -court to the fourth Tuefday in
February.                  C   H   A    P.   III.
An ACT to make valid the proceedings of the deputy iberiff of Worcefler coun-
ty, after the death of the late fheriff.
C   H   A    P.   IV.
AI ACT to empower the prefent fheriff of Worcafter county to colle& the ba-
lance of the five pound tax and county rate not colleted by the late theriff.
C   H   A    P.   V.
An ACT for calling out of circulation the quota of this fiate of the
bills of credit iffued by congress, and the bills of credit emitted
by ads of affembly under the old government, and by the refolves
of convention.
WIEREAS congress, on the eighteenth day of March lal, recommend- Preambke,
ed to the feveral ftates to bring into the continental treafury, by taxes
or otherwife, their monthly quotas of fifteen million of dollars, from
the firft day of January, feventeen htiddred and eighty, to the firfil day of April,
feventec; hundred and eighty-one, inclufive, as apporioned by the refolution of
the fieventh day of oauber in the preceding year, and to provide that filver and q,
gold (hould be received in payment of the faid quotas, at the rate of one Spani(h
dollar in lieu of forty dollars of the faid bills iffued by congress : And whereas the
general afftembly of this flatc, from the liculiar (ituation and extreme exigency of

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