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1800 342 (1800)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0350 and id is 1 raw text is: .Itj tle rear of     our LORD, ,8oo.
342-              THOMAS LocK .-              Midd/efx Canal.
force and operation in the I-iid County of Kcnnebect as it now has in tw
County of Lincoln.
[This AcI pafred January 16, 1 goo.]
CHAP.        II.
An A61 to frt off T        o irAS LOCKEt, from       the Town      of
Bu3rlinzgton, and annex       him   to thc Town of Lexing.
B E it cnaated by the Senate and fIot/ 'of Reprentat/ix, in Gen.
ril  Court a6'V Yed,  an] by  th authority of the fiane,  That
r.:fc;p,.o of Thomas Locke, with his family, and his real eftate following, to wit, begin.
eflatc, ft off
Lr, Ll,,/ht,,, ning at a black oak tree marked, on the Northeafterly ide, of the new road,
fo called ; thence South, thirty-fix degrees Earf, to  Woburn line ; the:nce
by ftidl W)'oburn line Southeaflerly to Lexington line ; thence  by fIid.
Lcxingtwi line Northerly to Vine Brook, fo called, near the Fulling Mill ;
thence down flre:am faid Brook, and through tile Mil Pond, to a pine
tree marked, flanding near the Northwellerly corner of faid Mill ; thcnce
South, forty.fix degrees Eafl, to the firfi bounds, be, anti he hereby is fet off
from the town of Burlington, and annexed to the town of Lexington, in. the
County of Middli/x, with all the privileges and fubje t to all the duties of
other inhabitants of faid town of Lexington.
Prvilcd  7vrihclcfi, That the-faid ThOMNAS LOCKE (hall be holden to
pay all taxes already alItffcd agahift hin and his faid Efltate hi the town of
Proviron rcr,. Bur,'ingtn aforeflatid, and alfo all State taxes until a new State valuation fliall
be taken, in the fiame way and manner as lie was before palling this A
holden to pay the fame, any thing in this Ad to the contrary notwithfland.
[This AE paffed'J'anuary- 2o, 18bo.]
C H   A P. IIL,
An   A     in addition    to fc veraI A&s paffed        refpec&ing
the Mid/efx     Canal.
T1VHEREAS the Proprietors of the Mirdl/c.v Canal, have, in their
W       pction, fet fortl,that from a refervation in the Aj1s alieady paired
PrvanLk,  in their favour, the Government has a right to regulate the toll of goods,
carried on the Canal, anew, after tile expiralion of fbrty years, from which
refcrvation, great dilcouragemnitS and cinbarrainmcts have refulted in the
execution of that projel, Therefoir,
Be it enaUlcd by the Scnat e and Ilofty of Rprf'ntati, .c, ht General Court
qflcibkl, and by the authorii'Y of tc fame, That the toll of one fixteenth part
jfa dtl/ar ibr each ton carried one mile on the fame Canal, be eflablifhed-
To lpcrtettuat- to the faid proprietors and their fucceflbrs forever ; any refervation in the
Acli aforefaid, or either of them, rdpcCling the fame, to the contrary not.-

['Iius At paied January 25, 18oo..


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