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1796 25 (1796)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0332 and id is 1 raw text is: ...RESOLVES
O F  'r1
J:Bgun and held at BOSTON, in the County of SUFFOLK,
i VWednefday the Twcnty;-Seventh Day of May,
A. D.       1795     ;  and    from     thence     continued
by AA jurnmnent, to              Wednefday, the
i'th. Day of Yanuary, 1796,
T U   E5 8.A     Y,   JANUARY 19.
.,,vvci-abt i nt,/izest, the Two, f'inchoe conwtind in the Rtprefentativ/  Chanmber,
,   at 12 o cark, Htif Exclnen4 the Gcvernor came in and ddivjred the folowing
CANNOT but congratulate you upon the many blctflngs which the bounti-
fil hand of Ptowldence has brilowed upon its Linec your adjournment.
WK with our Fellow Citizens at largo have obiferve,[ a day folemnly to rccognij.c thekf bier-
ings ; and if fincere obedience to our grackus BenefaCkoro thail accompany the gratitude which
we then pro'elfcd, we may humbly rely upon him that he will continue his divine fivours to the ci.
tizens at large, and dire& the public councils of our Nation and Commonwealth to fIch mcafires
as (hall be produffive of the falct y.and welfare of all.
ltt my Former addrefs to this Genera Court I mentioned the duty requiied by the Conflitutlort
frequently to revife the lwo, an-I amend fuch of them as mayffill be neccl.iary to fecure the hree,
libervits and property of the citizen : 'Fle importance of .ivil commutative juflice and the good
polikyofmaking adequm compenfition to thofe who adminiller well - And the great advanta cs
of c  thing the ili terture and the fcienccs, And all femialariks of them among the bdi
dy of the people.;  0n6p te 1 flhall not now enlarge.
AG-vtcULITU'WI ad Commetce mutually depend upon cach other. As foreign riarkets are
fup-lied from our fields, it is an objeft of importance., thzt the tranfportation of heavy articles, and
snetns of communication from one par' of the State to another, may be rendered as eafy and
cheav 'A the nature of the countr7 will admit. By the fpirit of cntcrprize, which ro remarkably
animates the citizent, countenanced by the LegiflatuT, much has been done and is Rtill doing in va-
rious p arts of the Commonwealth.
trif improvement of Arts and Mjnufalurea i6 of interefling morneR. The I'encourage.
ricnt of fuch Manufaflures in particidr, :s will diminifl the confum ptitn of Foreign Articles and
exhibit a rral balance in our favour,is the c(minon concern of the whol.e Union : Such encortrage-
ment as will fpreid the fpiritofIndtuftry individually through the body of the people, will tend td
increAte their happy feelings of Independence, and give them an exalted idea of thr traly noblg cha-
rafhr of Free Cintzeni. indullry naturally leads to fobricty of fentimcnt, rcelitudc oniaainers, a
du obfirvance of wife and conflitutional laws, and of courfe tu public arid private virtue.
Fr/lli-V Citr,,en
I'v ip wifilom ofteh to rectu to firf. principles. The people of this Comrnmonw:ath, ai well
as thofi of the United states, have voluntarily formed Iiich Coltitutions of Government, is thcj
hrve judged weN adapted to fecure their own political Gfety. I'hvfe C.nifitutionns re foutided
11t0Ion th: fArne principles ; and ihey avow tie great and fundaitntal politicd trth, that all power
is. det;red from the people, As there and ill new forms of Goverimet t hkih recognize priluci-
plcg, ocver redutcd to praffice, until the perioJ of our illufIriot,  levoution, aiufi 1,e in their un-
ture e.[ri  ntr, the provifion oftA pcaceable and conlaitutional remedy for futli de1616t as experi-
ence m.1y pomt out, is with great pr-'p;iely cflabliflhed in our .1tate and National Gornrlmients.-
T,: Citi.c zns of this Conmoifwt , 111h, have lately difcovered their aequiefcence un(eW their ConflI-
t itmi As it now fl uds. But it i;: r m ins ricorded in our declaration of rkgh. that the peoplo
Ilm1 have an ivcontellible, unalici~be and indefafi~ble right to itllitute govcrnmeota ; an1d to rd-
forim, dlici, or totally chango the farne, when their protefion, fafety, profperity andt happinfA re-
jite it. - Ansd the Feder, Lonfit,.tion, Ccording to the mode preferibed lheic,  ha alrcadyt
tlnlderoe filch arnetdnicllrs in lcvcret parts of it, ai from fsiptrirk:e has been judged ecelfraty.
1,11 (overlini'.t of th- tfnialed ,itatcs ii ctriafhd fofely with fich povwcr as regard our
fi!ety As a nation 1 mod all pnweri not given to {2oasgre,- by tile tmhtution rclmaill in the indi-
vihAl Wt(aCl anid the people.  lA All goitid (Locrartnralta the Legiflc r6   Ex < mtive wid Jaiil

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