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1794 337 (1794)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0323 and id is 1 raw text is: Ln-.the rlear of   our L OR D, 1794.
Woollen Manufatory.                           337
A ds -and Laws,
Paffed by -the GENERAL COURT of
Maffacbufetts :
Begun and held at BOSTON, in the County of Sm-
V       4 n.'Wd nefday the Twenty-ninth Day of
MAY, ANmmo DoM ]I', 1.793 ;-andfrom            thence
continued byAdjournment and Proclamation, to
Wednefday, ,the Fifteenth Day of J.;NuARW fol-
lowing.     A,-
.A -H -A  p.    J..
At ,A&    to   iucorporate ..'Benjamin Greenle( -Efq.
a'nd other, for the purpofe df eftablifhing a
Woollen Manufa&ory.
# V, EREMS BenjaninGreenleaf,.,Efq. and ohers herei.fer named,
htive, rciated, tbewfehves; together, for the p.r.pofe of. introducing and
CJkabibng d4dlen. Mawrdfaqory,.in the county of:Effex, and .have pe- Preamble.
titiondt/ke GgneM'l Cwt, that they:may.be-mAdea body phiticand corpo.
rate, cithfucb. powers 'I may, enabe thenrmore. conveniently and efeeIual-
.y to execute; theaid p rpofe : Yherefore,
'BE it enaled: by the .Senate,and Hoife. of Rqrpntativ&, in General
Cowt affJmbled, aa by the ahorityof'thefAme, That.tI id Bea. ,
rain, Gvsnkeraf, .Efquire,   and ,Phiip ., ubin, William .BartlCij4Ricbard porated.
Bariett, Offin Bgardman, jun. Moes Brownm, David Ceftf, William
6oomtbs,       1, oomb,.MarA Fiz, adr a Frotbingham, Yoanm age,

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