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1792 33 (1792)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0312 and id is 1 raw text is: [   33    ]
,R       E       S       0        L       V        E        S,
EN E R A L                              COURT
Begun and'held at 1oflon, in the County of S/folk, on Wednefday
the Twenty-fifth Day of May, Anno Domi1,,            791 ; and from
thence continued by Adjournment, to Wednefday the             Eleventh
Day of January following.'
Refolve continuing in force thc refolves, grant! ng bounties on Hemnp, until 7,1y, 793,
paffcd June 18, 1791.
ESOLVED, That the bounties granted by the refolves of the 8th of Noember,
1786, and 28th of March, i788, for raifing Hemp, be, and the fame are hcreby
continued until firil Yuly, 1793.'
I I.
Refolve requcfing the Governor and Council, to examine the accounts of Nathan
Dane, Efq. &c. J7anuary 12, 1792.
Refolved, That his Excellency the Governor with the advice of Council, be'and
he hereby is aut-horizcd to examine the accounts of Nathan Dane, Efq. for his fervices
as AgIent to thi's State, for fupporting the claims thereof, againfi the United Stateh,
a.n  I draw a warrant or warrants on the Treafurer of the Commonwealth, for the
balance thlit may from timeto time be due to faid Agent, for his 1 rvices as aforefaid.
R cfolve on the petition of the town of Harvard, abating faid town a fine of Z. LaS.
Yatuary 13, 1792.
On the petition of the town of Harvard :
RefWl'ed, That for the reafons fet forth in the faid petition, the Treafurer.of this
Commonwealth, be, and he hereby is dirc&ed to credit the town of Harvard, the furn
offifieenpounds, fet on the ifid town, for not fending a Rcprefentative to the General
Court, the lft year.
Refolve Ofi the petition of the town of Vqfflborough, abating faid town k. 19 for ne-
glecting to fend a Reprcfentative to the General Court. )anuary 13, 1792.
Oil the petition of the Selectmen (if the town of Vafl2lborough, praying for the
abatement of a fine chargcd againft ftaid town, for not fending a Reprefentative in
the Ycar 1788 :
Refo/.ved, For reafons ft *forth in faid petition, that the Treafurer of this Com-
tronwealth, be, and he hereby is direcded to credit the faid town, the fiim of nineicen
pounds, charged againil flaid town, in tax number feven, as a tile tr not ictiding a
Reprefentative to the General Court, in the year 1788.
Refolvc on the petition of Sauniel Lamfon, authorizing two Juftices of the Peace to
licence him as an innholdcr in We//on. january 14, 1792.
On the petition of Sa'nul Lanfon, of Wcflon, in the county of' Middletx, praying
that two jufices of the Peace, may be empowered to licence him as an innholder :
Refolved, For reafons fet forth in faid petition, that any two Juflices of the Peace
within faid county quorum unus, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered
to licence the faid Samuel, as innholder,until the next term enfuirg for grahiting licen-
ces in f id county, he the liid Samuel, complying with the requifitions of law, which
refpcc't licencing innholders, any act or refolve to thd contrary notwithilanding.

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