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1791 36 (1791)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0308 and id is 1 raw text is: [ 36 3
C 'OMMG.1                         .WE A L T H
Together with the S P E E C H E S,  &c. of His Excellency the
Governour to the faid Court :
Begun and held at'Bofloh, in the County of Suffolk, on Wednefday
the Twenty-fixth Dayof May, Anno Domini, !79o ;, and from
thence continued by Adjournment to Wednefday the Twenty-
fixth Day    of January following.
T.H U R 9 ) A Y, Yanuary 7, i79i.
At. twelve O'Clock, the Secretary delivered to the Houfe, a ,Meffage fromi Hi
rExcellency the GovuRNOUR, requefting thei attendance ih the Senate.Chamber,
whither they immediate.ly retired,--and Yihere his Excellency delivered the following
Gentlenlen-etbke &atien, nd Metiefme4 of :b2 fdire L oto   Reeppniaai
. W    HEN   we contemplate the Prfeurt hapy .ftixatiohi of ou toun try, and
V V    compare it With the dlftrefring fcenes through which a kihd Providence has
eolduced her, the Mind, if not  oid bf patriotifmn, ituft ekpand with delight, and
the haii if not-infefifibie to the impulfis of religion, Will overflbW with gratitude;
The people Of' thi§.Commonweahh, *hilft they were invblved in accumulated
diffiuti-cs, d-iablifhed th :Conftitutiorl of Governtment, by forte of Which we are
now affembled :--And the 'citizens of the other States iit tht-Unfibn, io. le'fs attentive
tonthe m hs of eftablifhib  their political .hippinefs -md ieturity, purfued finilat
meafures. The unanihhity whith ptevaileldon this Iidpoltant occafion, throughout
all .the States, And, that extraoldinary exercife of learning and wifdom, which. has
been acknoWledged  by the wofldi'werd at that tirhe attributed by matny to the great.
'preffure dftout Patti txlarind ha'taidotis circitrhftances ; but fihce We have been
favou d witlh-a'fate of prfe& p'eace and tranquility, A grat difplay of *ifdom and
learning has be n exhibited, and - degree ofUtanimity as preaildd in the formiu
und etalifhing the Conilittitioh ff the United'States o Anei:  .
I'do i t nxention-thefe great'Ov'ents foi yoir information --but to lead your
minds'to the contemplation of thdfe.virtues aid qualitiesfi0tn whence they originated.
We fee  th  hifory of natiobs, that an  i raiidnd t'aiprtncipld hnultitude, rhay
be frequently induced to follow anamtbitiousfleadr, to rapinGe, pund ahdicbnquelt;
but when thefe objeas, which ferv I.nly t6 increqfe the mifcies  f mankind ard
atchieedC the molt fuccefiful fit dovt m6re Wreft-hed than theyi cie before.
It  feems to be referved as the peculiar dl~araate'of thd AnmerTa n, tO be moved ii
their opereations, by a purer and a more. e ltenfive' degree of'inteligence .than has
fallen  , 1he -lot of thofe nations, whoiehiiraasw'6biin fro~n h~iftry. I And it
isthrei great felicity tohave as the ieward f their i'rttie, the ability'ofcondufting
theirperilious cootroverfies, :fo as to lay a, iobe foundatibn. for. their Oiwn future.
gldr ; and for 'the, promotion of hurman lhappinefs.., The means -h h have been
lefed to thvfc important purpofes, -are thi,% general diffeminadon of. the principles

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