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1790 31 (1790)

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R                S, 0             L       V        ES
OF      T H E
OF      THnE
C 0 M M 0 N W E A L T H
o F
M             ASSAC HUSETTS:
Togethet with the M E S S A G E S, &c. of his Excellency the
GovURNOUR to the faid CouRt:
Be ,un and held at BOSTON, in the County OCSUFFOLC, on Wcdncf-
day'the Twenty-fixth Day of MAY, ANNo DoirnNu, 1790 ; and
from thence continued by Prorogation andAdjournment to Wed-
nefday the fifteenth of SEPTEMBER foltowing,
W  E D N E S D A Y, Scptcmber 15, 1790.
Purfuant to 11is Exccllency's Proclamaion, the Members of the Legillatue, Met
at the State. Houfe, and having formed a quorum, a Committee of both Houf*s were
appointed to wait on the Governour, and inform him that they were ready to pro-
ceed to biffinefs ; whereupon His Excellency, attended by the Secretary, met the
two Branches convened in the Senate Chamber, and adlrcff d them as frdlv.-s
Gentlemen of the Senate, and Gentlemen of the Hoqfe bf Reprefentativs,
T0 T H I N G      ut a ftrong conviction of the neceffity of the Legillature's beine
together at this time, could have induced me to convene you at fo carly a day
after the late adjournment.        t -
By your aft, paft in the late feffions, for a conditlonal repeal of the act for ra7ng
a revenue by Excife, it is provided, that in cafe the congress of the United Statci,
fhoult aflume, or permit to be loaned on the credit of the Upited States, the cor01-.
lidated debt of this State, or otlierwife provide, upon the credit of the United States,
for the payment thereof; then, and in tither cafe, the faid ad, entitled  an ac't to
raife a revenue by excife, and to regulate the collecion thereof,Jou.ld be, and tbereby
was-repealed, from and after the time, when any ac or law of Cozigretsi, for either
of the purpofes, aforeflaidflould be made and eflablifhed.
On the fourth of An~iet~ lail, an at %vas made and cftablifhed, by the Congref of
the United States-by which, twenty-one million Jive hundrcd thoufind dollars, of the
debts of the refpe&ive States, incurred for compcnfations, expenditure., for fervices,
or fupplies, towards the profecution of the late war, or for the dcfence of the Unitcd
States, or fome part thereof, during the 1inae, is periltted to be anded on the
credit of the United States.
Upon receiving information of this ad, I direc'led the Treafurer to lay before the
Supreme Executive, the amount of the coufolidated debt of this State, which I ind-
to amount to one million five hundred eiighty-three tho:,fand an d eighty:fix pounds, nine 6hiilings
and three pence, equal to}4ve million two hundred feventy fix tcufrnd nine iundr.d a:d
fifty-four dollars and five-fixths of a dollar.
I have direted the Secretary to lay before you a copy of the ad of congress, thlt
you may-give it-fuch confirudion as fhall appear to you to be reafOnabie, and takte
fuch meafures as may be beft tulted to the welfare of the Commonwealt h, in the pie-
lent particular fituatiop of it. 'Tl'he Secretary will alfo lhy before you the feveral ats of
Congref , pafred fince your laft adjournment.
•  '                                                  YoU

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