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1788 39 (1788)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0296 and id is 1 raw text is: (   39
R        E        S 0             L        V        E        S,
OF       THE
OF       THE
G100 M M 0 N W E A L T H
0 F
Together with the M E S S A G E S, &c. of his Excellency the
Governour to the faid Court:
Begun    and   held  at Bo/lon, in the County of Suffolk, on Wed-
nefday the Twenty-Eighth Day of May, Anno Domini, 1788;
ai;d from   thence continued      by Prorogation to     Wednefday zhe
Twventy-hinth Day of 06ober following.
Re&lve .on the Petition of Do&0r yarner Lloid. O7ober 30, 178S..
(N the petition of. ames Lloyd, phyflcian, fetting: forth,. that adebt is'duc to hit
0.F from, Charles Paxton, late of, Bion, a confpirator and abfente, and that the ef-
.tate of Robert Pierpoint,. late. of .Roxbury, Efi1. deceafed,. is largely indebted- to the Laid
Paxton, and mortgaged for th fecurity thereof: And whereas. all tie eftateof .the
faid corf ,irator is, confifcated andgd.h1!red forfeit: .
Be it therefore efolvId, That the Committee for the fale of the cifates of confpir,
tors and abfentecs in the county of Sufl~k, be, and they are hercby dircaed and em-
powered, to receive the debt afordfaid of the executor or adniiniiirator on the eftate
of faid Pieipoint, and to ive a difcharge for the itme.. and in calb of refufalo
negle& of payment, to fue out the mortgage and take poffeffion of the preinifes iWbe-
half of the Commonwealth, and then to make fale thcicofand to difpoti of the inoniet
received agreeably to law.
Refolve on the petition of Mojes Noy.cr. . Oaober-3c, 17S,  , -
On the petition of Mofes N yes, 'adminiftrator ort, the c'icte of 70 f .1 A4re, latec
Sudbury, in the county df Middhfex, deceafcd, prayiiig IcAvcto comple-At  ' bar.
made 1;y Si/as Moore, deceafed, a former adminifir tor of faid 7 //e AIbre's-cttate :
Reftlt'cd, for realons et forth in faid petition, that the thaid M,,es Noyc; be, and, lhe
hereby is fully authorized and enipowered to colnpcat ic bargain aforehid, and t)
execute and deliver. proper and fuflicient deed,*,, i. the fhwne,inincr as the- deccafcd
adminitcrator millt , have done if he had been iull alive, any law or ufage t ,.
t'ary notNvthflatdin,
,                                                 R fblvq

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