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R        E       8 0              L        V- ES
OF      THE
OF      THE
MAS S A C HU S                                       TT.S±
Together with the S P E ECH and MIES8AGES of his
Excellency. the Governour to the faid Court:
Begun    and held    at Bqflon, in the County of SuoA, on
Wednefday the 3oth Day of May, Anno Domilzi, 0787;
and from   thence continued by Adjournment, to Wedne-
day, the Twenty-feventh Day of February following.
Wednefdy the 7thBFebruary, His Excelleny th  i Gopvn6titf Wfit to theState.
Houfe, where, in prefence of the two Brancies Of th6 Legflatiire, who had,
met in the Repref'entatives Chamber for the Purpofe, he addreffed them. in
a SPEECH, as follows:
Gen'tlemen of the Senat, and Gentiemeii of the 110i/? of Repreentatives,
r   14 E Letters ivhich I ha'e received iii the recefs, the Seretary will lay
J1  before yod, ihey arc not bf £C4h inipktancd, s to claim any particular
notice from ie at this timc.
The adjoiinient 6f tlie Ge6i6ral Cotirt, f'or tie fpied of ond *eek, be.
ciine rlecefhiry, ini oi'der to give the nimbers, whd Were alfo members of the
late Cond'dritiori ad (ipportdinity df fetiirfiilg home befoie the meeting of the
.Legiflature. I could hate Wifhied that th6 rolamation of adjourfiment .had
been of an earlier date, but the Seflion 6f the Cnirention, by the importance
of the bufiiefs beord tliat bddy, wA9 protra&ed beyond what was expc&Md,
I flatter myfeif that' thig Will be fatisfA06i-y, as well to thofe of you, Gentle-
men, who having not~heard df the adjournment, have been fome days wait.
ing in town, as to thofe who may be ipprehenfive that the buflnefs of the pre;.
fentSeflion will demand a longer time,than can be corteniently afforded at this.
feafon of the yeaf'.
I have nothing of more inportance at this time, to recommend to your de
liberation, than the lands of the Commonwealth. It is fcarcely neccffary to
remark tha, t0is State, from its particular fituation, is Well as from the noble
ardor of its citi eris in defence of their liberties and independence, hath accu-
nulated a vet  heavy debt ; the intereft of which arifes to ninely tboufand.
pounds ana,ny j. thli cQnidcrtion alone, Gentlemetn, ihould induce us by

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