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1777 1 (1777)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0211 and id is 1 raw text is: ft t
General Affembly
State of Maffachutfetts-Bayi
lbegun   and   held   at ftf4tertow,,, in      the   County     of   Middlefx, o.I
V cdnefday rh.: 2 zch Day of .MVay, Anno Domini 1776, and thence
contiiued by one Pitot';ri n and four ,djournment to \: ednedl.y
the   ;th Day    of Marcb      following, and      then  iicc -t I'yi'o,' i ii Chc
cdunty of strioa
ifolve di iig Timothy Langdoh to iranjmil Copies of Paptrs rfpe: ng the Sloop Polly;
palfed March 6, 777.
RESOLVED, That Timothy Langdon  e abd tie hereny is direcqed to rranfmir td this Court
as foon as may be Copies properly authenticated of all Papers rela'iie to the Sloop Pofy,,
J, a   and to Abiel Wood and others, who are fuppofed to have been correlpording with our
Refolve eliabliihing the Doings of the Sheriffs of the CbUhtv oF B, ilol; p.ifr- I March 6, i
Whereas it is reprefentedto thi Cout that feveral of the Deputv ,he fs} lo, the County of Briftol
under Silveler Richmond, Efq; late Sberif of faid County ferved ani executed divers tvi s and
Ptoceffet to them direfted, without knowing that their Power and Xutbrity by the Exp,ation of the
'Comrnifion iffued to the flid Silvel|er expired apon the 9 tb* Day of Sep-prher t776 whereby
Ijury and Injuflice will accrile to divers Per/ons unlef an adequate Remedy be provided in thIat behalfi
It is therefore Refolved, That all Affs and Doings of the faid feveral Under or Deputy Sheriffg
id thei' refpe~iive Ofires under the (aid Silveler, froth and after the 19th Day of Septembe&
ij16, and until Zephaniab Leonard, Efq; the prefent Sheriff of faid County was eo0iMflionated
mrd fworn as Sheriff of faid County, be and hereby are eaabliflhed, ratified and confirmed as
filly and effeaually to every Intent and Purpofe, as rho' the Commiflfi.n granted to the fai
Silvefler Richmond, Efq; for executing the Duties of Sheriff of faid CotLty of Brifol, had
dtating that peiodbeen in full Force and Virtue, any Law, Ufage or Cutfom to the cobtrary
tiotWithflandingi.          .
lkefo ve confenting io the Returrr of the Honorable Wtbn Naneocki Fiq; froin Cdrigrefs ;
paffed March 6, 1777.
14'hertas the Htonoiable John Hancock, Efq; one of the Delegates frot this State to the Amrieri-
eah Congr0, has requefled the confent of this Court tht he mdy returt to Bofton for a .hort Time
Ar the Rtcovery of bis Health :
Refolvedi That this Court do readily give their Confenr, that the fdid 7ohn Hancrkd, Efq; m3 7
te'tin forno congress to this State whenever he flall find it neceffiry for the Rreovery of his
#Jeaflth*Ad that the Secretary inclofe a Copy of this Refolve to the Honorable 'olin Hancoc, Efq4
A                                        Ao1vd

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