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1775-1776 15 (1775)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0202 and id is 1 raw text is: na ibi Sixteet' Ilak' f hei                 t the Third, KING, &1.    17
~A ~,   S~ D, AW , 8;
~er                              fqv t  or, Af~hmbly of ihe
E g'Znd: 136-~
.7n  dd,?b                    tl 4nce 6continucd by, d'orn-
.  Wty~nixmtt~~y of Novembe'
'mfow& g, ;, W                                         ' m. r-.e
If C~               -A R.' 10-'
/n A& for orming, and rcgulating t          e Miltia within the
Colofiy. of thei adtacbuifitr.'ay, in A ew-Etiglaa,and' for
repealing all theLawsheratforc mr       de for ,ha.t urpofe.
T.T~t~ti not only tUe lerell, $t  ,uiy of all Nvation: to irm
de/fnd their Lives Libeitios and Properties in that Land, wlh;cb the
Spem '.uler of the Univer  ahs. bejo/wed on them, gainfl ihe
uioofiul _tracs and epriidtioni of all Enem iss ivhatet' ..q.e-
'vially thofe i,1 are-,moved bya irt   of 4 ayi'e or Dfpstif.n   
And iwbr-eas 'aje Hono'rable .kyerica'n Congrejf have ,recommended Wth
United'Golo-Ics.t'.P  jkpi   q:j ilii, into a blt r OPr 'State fsr tke Defince of
L*A'er ica :
Aind whereas' pte gLa'ihe' n F~rc, r eti  the Regulation of the AD- t
litia, havebit,',t/in, d infiffiient for the Purpoes ufrefid
x. 1: is terofi  enagted by the Coun1, and Hfife b/ Repareftativt: in t
Generil'GOurt affieraUed, and i  the .4athority of th, . ame, That th ,t1vera!   v
•Laus, and the levcral Para .raphs and Clauks of all and every the Luws uf
this Colony,. eforcing, or any Ways relating to the Regulation of the Mlitiri,
'be, and htreby a.e repealedp and delared null 6pd void.
_ Adndbl isfiu'ther cha6?ed bv i1,€ .utfority afirefaid, That that Part of th T .-;.
IMilitiaiof ihis Colony, commonly called the Training- Band, fhall be conffituted hq4g }, .
of all theable-bodi d Mae Perfons therein, from fiXteen Years old to'fifty, ext-.
cepting Mcmbrs of the Anmcrican Congrcfs, Members. of the Couicil,'and of-
the Boitfe' of Reprefentaiives fbrihc Time being, ihe Secrretmy of the Colony
all Civil Oflce ' .that have'be'n, or lhall ' o apohitcd'by'the Geheri Court, Perfons 4t
or either Branchofit, Ofiiceis 'and Students of -'hrV'ard-College, Minifler odf cept,4.
tho..Gofpal, Elders and 'Deacons of Churiches, Church-Wardens, Grammar
School-Maflers, Maflers ,f Arts, l.eDenomination of Chri ians calledQqakers,
Sele&-Md&-for the Time beirig, tiofe who have by Commilion undcr any Go-
vernmen'.or Congrels, Or by .El&ion iin Purfnarnceeof the Vote of any Con-
grefs of 6 he Continent, or of this, or any other Colony, held ihcPoR of a SubM-
tern, or I ighpr Officcr,'Perfohs While a&uilly eifiploy~id as Malers or, Veflms o
tfire th 'thirty Tons Burthenotlher than Fifiring Vefls, oind Veffls .coafling in
this C1oq, 'and :o. and from this Colon-y to the other New-England Govern-
ments, Conflables, and Deputy.Sheriffs, Neiroes, Indians and Mulatoes, and-
hall be under the, Command-offuch Officer as fihall be chofen, impowered and
I 4mmiflio!sk,,d over'.4hem, as is 6y this AI provided ; and the Sele.-Men, or
the major -Part of thom of each Town, 'hall b, ind hereby are. impowcrd 4y

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