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1878 209 (1878)

handle is hein.ssl/ssla0214 and id is 1 raw text is: ACTS
Begun cmd holden in the City of       YeTw Orleans on the eighthi
day of March, 1878.
No. 1.]                     AN   ACT
Making an approprintion to pity the per diem of the members of the Genernl
Assembly of lthi eStetc of Louistien, and the SnIaties of tlie offleers andI enl-
ployees, and the contintgent expenses thereof, for the extra session, coni-
mning March 8, 1878, together with such interest its may acere to the
Fisent Agent upon t1he warrants eashed by said Fiseal Agent, in acco rd ane
with seetion onn of Act number eighty-one, regular session of 1478, approved
Mnareht 12, 187I, to be obtiined and disbursed, as herciniftor provided; and
providing thait any dflciency lint Inmay exist, in the approprintion for too
expenses of the General Assenhly for the rogmifthr session of 1878. shall be
suipplied out of iho aitrl1roprintion made in this Act, and providing for the re-
turn into thl(e geeor al fund of tiny unexpended balance of this nppropriation.
Seetion 1. Be it eniacted by the Senate and Houtse of Represienatives
of the State of Lou isiana, in General Assnmldy convened, That the m, o''!
sum of thirty thousanld ($30,000) dollars, or so much thereof as may     ,. .r
be necessary, is heroby appropriated out of tile general fund of the
year 1878, to pay the per diem    of the members ofthe General '         i on
Assembly of the State of Louisiana, the salaries of the officers and  lIioen
employees, and the contingent expenses tiereof, for the extra session t2'!in  'oit ro
conmencinig March 8, 1878, to be obtained and disbursed as herein- nt.r uionS.
after provided, and to supply the deficiency, if any exist, in the
appropiation for the expenses of the regular session of 1878.
Sc. 2   Be it furlther eacted, eto., That of the sum  so appropri- Twenty hooana ni-
ated, twenty thousand dollars is hereby set apart for tile use of the om, of ti surirninip.
rioted to thI Hious and
House of Representatives, and ten thousand for the use of the tu iorrona rlor to
lie, :A iir; tror i i
Senate; thiat the chairman of the disbursing committees of the two i',wten'
houses shall, in the disbursement of the sum   herein appropriated, an S rviw n trti
issue vouchers in favor of the parties entitled to be paid oat of the
same, and take receipts therefor, which vouchers shall be approved
and countersigned by the presiding officer of the respective houses,
and on the presentation of such vouchers, the Auditor of Public            Aneer.
Accounts shall warrant on the Treasurer for the amount of such
vouchers, respectively, in favor of the parties entitled thereto; and
in case there be no money in tile treasury to take up the warrants

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