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1843 iii (1843)

handle is hein.ssl/ssia0065 and id is 1 raw text is: TITLES OF ACTS.
Chapter.                                                  Page.
1  An not to amend an act entitled;  An act to provide
for the assessment and collection of county and terrl-
2  torial revenue,                                 1
2  An act to change the time of holding the general elections,  1
3  An aint to amend an act entitled, An act for the election
of constables, and defining their duties, approved
January 24th, 1839,                               2
4  An act to amend an act entitled, An act to establish
new counties and define their boundaries, in the late
cession from the Sao and Fox Indians, and for Otber
purposes, apjfToved February 17th, 1843,         3
5  'An act relative to religious societies,              4
6  An act defining the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court,
and regulating, the practice therein,             5
7  An act for the improvement of sheep,                 11
8  An act to, elcouragewthe destruction of wolves,      12
U  An act to provide for the expression of the opinion ofthe
people of the Territory of Iowa upon the subject of the
formatiori of a State constitution for the State of Iowa, J8
10  An act to establish the time of holding the district a xts,
in the several judicial districts in this Territory  6
11  An act to legalize the acts of justices of the peace and
odhatables, in certain cases,                   .18
12 An at amindatory of an act entitled,  An act for the re-
lief of the poor, approved February 1Q, 1842,   18
13  An act to legalize deeds ahd otlher inittUments of writing, 19
14  An act to amendan act entitled,  An act districting,
the Territory of Iowa into electoral districts, approv.,
ed July 30tlh1840,                              20
15  An act to amend an act entitled,  An act to provtie  20
the election ofJustices of the peade, to prescribe their
powers and duties, and to regulate their prqce'ings
approved February 9th, 1843. .

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