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1791 1 (1791)

handle is hein.ssl/ssga0242 and id is 1 raw text is: . . A* N.         A       C       T                   '
To revife and amend .tl-c Judiciary Syfei
of    this     State.         .
B  F it enaled 6y the Snate and. Iloufe of Rep fcalo ofJ t  Stat  Georgiain Generalfl
m//IV met, 'I hwt fr4 .rams tr thI*V p;lrlig of tils et?, hat d1C jI.dges of the hoqptui6r
.Courts or anv tine 4 thii)n, lall.hol di I.Ii cortis In vach-collty twice in every yea.,
thveIcLoiVC sinck,:',ui andarnlne:following, that i to lay, conmiencing in Camden add-
1V.flng toion the lis A, Tutillay in J..nIualy ieIt; th ie Tutiay two weeks after in Glysin
111   ec1- (   die th Tutday two weeks after in' I ihcty aid F ranklia ; the Tuefday two
weeks alter In Chatlhie\nld i II -crt.; tie aIciday tvo. weeks alter in iffngham aid
Vilke, ; the I tliday t%  we' ks after it Columbi ; the I uiday two weeks :Jicr' li
* JRiC.mCmld; and the 'I ucday two weeks after in luic. And it c fccOt.d tri-'thfall coin-
1eC0 onM tle 1i li fucid.iy o'1uy sieNt thereaitrr in the counties of Camdcnr anidl\  &Jh-
il; mot,  a lot he cotC ititInl  to li* fian* rmd*ua  is  li1ftIC d with  a rijull to the 1i c 8 Cuit:
An.ik I: furiher en'ant, That all ws its and sOclf what nature or kind they may
1ic, iliteng out of the cot is, fltalt hcdrawn, it requned, iffucd and igried by the clerk of
Vat b ous refpcit iv-!V. al hCAr (dite in the 1n11e of In of the jfges't the iaid courts,-
z noriturIn l to tlhC i: It d.1y. (it the net Iucceding teilm, aild he executed by tI:viracoyy
at the 1n t ii  thc de t.4 it or defenilants, ur leaving fuah Clopy :- lis or their itibia) or slo-,
r..uiqlacc of t ab'e. It tell twcnty diys le.rc the (I. thercin memied for the rcitir
thttrcof, aieid hc ftc  dsdo the fbriffi of itec(unty w here dey are. to he cxe cutd ;.'excqit
in cALs oft.xvoi.tion, which m11:1y b ilud in the jwanicr now tilabliflutd by law,
.1nd A it furd-r enactd, 1 hiat the fiid iupcrior (onuris (hail hivc excluaive originA
jui ldt dionl in all 'tm i nal'cafes arfiting under the laws or It is (a1te, and concurairctjuridi'
'    %t  wi ii the inI.crivr (tiats h1e0y diabliflwtd and confirnd , in all civil cate& 1haTcr
;;n.1be it /urt, r .acted, 'I hat the trial 0l all C2! lt what natme or kind' they-ia 67
fall be by jury. In -the coIflomary 2nd dlla bhlihed s'odc; whichjury shall be comptriTA
follows, th:t- is to fay, the iaics (if the whole number of thecitizens of each cniit'y fiodiW
the ac of twentv olne ti the age at fixty )-cars, and who have paid taxes, to be ttdi
the. ta offiue, (..ibJ.cL5 of thie peace excepted, who fhll he confidered liable tm fervi oti-kh
':1.ind ja y only) thall cvcry third year be placed in a box, and oIe third of thJe far&ie 4t
drawii therefrom, q)20, togtthcr with the juflices 2s hclbrc ncnti,'nedfhalhIonpdibl
grxnd imry liii zaid the ren:ainin'g two thiids (hall con)pof: the petit jury lifl of eache edhf
w'hens 1he divifion as aforcfaid thall have taken place, the names of th- grind jatry, sidhh
IAmCS of tic petit jury, iall he placed iII tWo bxcs, one to be denominaded: th
grand Jurv 1o and the other the petit jury box, each of which thall bt divide int6ih'a
p.criltiis numbers one and two: the names of each reljedivejury Minf1,' in th liffs i
itance, he placed in the partition nzuisher moir, nd is they are drawn (or Tcriicb fit
in the partition number two, and thole to drawn thcrdiomt all not1l Is616  rfm
fcrvice titiil the whole numher 2rc to drawn frot the numhei one.W  ib  f
11rakn up nand ngaiti he p]aced in the partition number oie, and he agi di -wnAdao5
Pro;ided al'Iays, 1 hat no jUge of (h. Inferior Court, minifers of the Gop4 in orA'
A                         ri

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