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1789 1 (1789)

handle is hein.ssl/ssga0239 and id is 1 raw text is: Ah            A        C 
For regulating the Judiciary DcparrmLnts of this Stat-
B h, it enarkd by the Senate and Houft of Reprefentatiws of the Staft of GeorghA. in GM
neral Afebnly mt That from and immediately after the pating ot his At, two fi
and priqpcr periol, duly qualified, (hall beeleded Judges of the bupciior Court, whih
judges (hell have precedence:according to- the time of their cledlion; and thAll, (tore
they enter on the duties of their refpedivc offices, take the tollowing oath or affi rmatips
to wit:   I do tolemnly [wear or affirm, that I will adminificr juftice, without respect
to perlonx, and do equal. right to the poor and (o-the rich &- and that I will faitufully nand
impartially, difcharge and perfoAi all the duties incumbent on me as a judgc of the Supo.
r:or Court of this btate, according to.the bell of my abilities and undcr(undi n, and
agreeable to the Conflitution and ws of this State, and the United Statcs:-.So help m
And he it further enatled, That the Judges 4f the raid Luperior Court? cir any one of
them, fhfall'hold the thid Courts in e.h county, twice in evcty year. at the refpCive imerj
atid in manner following : That is t.. lat, commencing in Camden and Wa(hington. on
the first Monday in January next; the Monday after in Glynn and Greene; the Monday
after in L.iberty and I, ranklin ; the Monday alter 'in Chatham and Wilkes ; tht (,es ond
Monday after in tlfiiyhnrm and Richmond, and the Monday after in the county of Burket
ald that the counties from Burke to Camden inclutive be the E.aflcrn Iifrit, 2ad the re'
maIning countics the Weflem  1) arift ; and that the fetund tern thall commence on tne
firl, Nonday in July next thereafter in Camden and Wafhington, and becontinurd through.-
out each distrial, in the fame rot.ation as dircatcd in refpedt to the firft circuit. And. all
writs-and prccffes in civil adiOns, ilfuing out of the (aid Court, th)ll be made returnable
twegcty dAys exclufiwe of the day of fea vice, and before the meeting of the Couct, which
tball be callkd the wcturn day ; and ll ftuch wuits and proeffks (hall iruc *rom, and be
fi.:ncd by the Clerk of the < Wh where fubje to b tried, and be dircard to all 'and
i giilar the lieritf, of the Iaid late 1 and thall contain the plaintiff~i charge. complaint, al-
l. gaioni or demand, plainly, Iully and dislindily let forth, and he ligned by the patty, or
hic attrorney  and ai true copy thercof (hall be ftrvedt, or left at the defcidant's ufdal and
to torious place of abode, or where he may be found, on or bclorc the return of such
v at or proceis, by thc iheritT ;r his deputy for the county; which defendant thall, with-
in ten days alter the return of fili)c proIels and writ, enter ar appear.ince, and afille, with
the Clerk of the Court, his plear or 1efence to the faid atthon; aid the lAid Judges, or
elthnr of them, thall, from  time to time, meet for hearing mttions, and for tratadng
all other ordinary iulnefs, where a jurv is not required, es has hitherto been the pradict
qad ofage t courts of law  and in 211 capital criminal cales, the JudgeI;or Judges, be:-
fore wh.'m a priloner is tried and conviaed, (ll icpite execution unfil thiety Olays ftee
Ientemice, and tfiall nake report thcreof to the Governoi or Commander in i hef for the
time being; and where hail is required in ary civil action, an ;ffidavit (hall'be n do of
the debt and damages before any judge or J(stlice of the Peace whkh the party believ'%
to)>e due, or has lilliined, and OiWll be ffixed to or ind'.nfed on the petit-on or procefs4
in which cafe the iheriff (hall take a bail bond in double the value of ihe debt or damages
to fwurn to be due; but either of the Judges, on extraordinary occaflobt,. probablecaule
f alion being (hewn, or Aworn to, thall order bail, according to dhe ci'cumiflancei. of
,I, ede, fulficient to compel the. appearance of the defendant or defendai ts, which ball
bond h2ll bc fubjC to the order of the court, to be afligned to the plaintiff,--uiikfIs fif
A                                 i xcienti.

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