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1788 3 (1788)

handle is hein.ssl/ssde0081 and id is 1 raw text is: 131

In the Twelfth
Year of the In-
dependence of
the Delaware
At a SESSION of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY, commenced at Do-
vetr, on the Twentieth Day of Odober, 1787, and continued by ad.
journment to the 2d Day of February following, inclufive, the fol-
lowing Ads were paffed; that is to fay,
An A C Tfor refpealing all Ax, or parts of A&s, repugnant to the rrea*
ly ofPeace between the United States and hisBritannia Majefly, or any
,H R     A §certain LaWs or Statuites made and paffed in fome
of the UnitecI ates, are regarded and complained of as repug-
nant to the treaty of peaceith Great-Britain ; by reafon whereot, not
only tho good faith of the Un fl; States, pledged by ihat treaty, has
been drawn into quellion, but theiAffgntial interetfs under that treaty
greatly affeaed. AND WHEREAS JUAlice to Gtat-Britakn, as welt
as regard to the honor and interefi f thienited States, requiire that
the faid treaty be faithfully executel and that all obftacles thereto,
and particularly fuch as do, or may be c6iftrued to,. proceed from the
Laws of this State, be effeaually removed; Thereoie
.. BE IT ENACTED by the General AfTembly of br/eare, and
it is hereby enaaed by the authority of the fame, thit fuch of the ads,
dr prts Of adi, of the Legiflature of this State, as are repugnant to the
Treaty of Peace between the United States and his Britannic Majefty, or
any article thereof, thall be, and hereby are repeakd. And further,
that the Courts of Law and Equity within this State be, and they here.-
by are, dire&ed and required in all C autes and Queffions, cognizable.
by them refpedively, and arifing from or touching the faid Treaty, to a
decide and adjudge acdording to the Tenor, true latenlt, and Meaning.

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