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1779 1 (1779)

handle is hein.ssl/ssde0062 and id is 1 raw text is: .A SPPLEMENT to an A&, intitled, An Al 1779.
Jor efabling a Militia within this State.
W       H E R E A S the Fines and Forfeitures incurred Preble
by thofe who refufe or negled to render their
Service in Defence of their Country, is, from the prefent
depreciated State of our Paper Currency, found not to
be an equivalent for Tuch Service;
i. Be it therefore enaled by the General Affembly of
Delaware, and it is hereby ea&ed by the Authority of
the fame, That every Male white Perflin tthin this Sate rivates for
between the Ages of Eighteen and Fifty, :or who fhall Non-acna-
hereafter attain to the Age of Eighteen Years, except dance, &c.
fuch Perfons as by the faid Aft to which this is a Sup-
plement is excepted, who thall begleft or refufe to ap-
pear at the Time aid Place appointed by his Captain,
or Commanding Officer, for Exercife in Companny, or in
Battalion, with his Arms and Accoutremeuts in good
Order-(if any he has) having no reafonable Excufe, to be
adjudged of by a Court-Martial, to be appbitpted by the
Captain, or Commanding-Officer of the Cqxnpany, which
haIl coniift of a Subaltern and four Privates, the Subal-
tern to be the Prefidebt thereof, every fuch Perf6n, whe-
ther he be non-commiffioned Officer or Private, fhall
forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Dollars for. every fuch
Negle& ;or Reufal. And every'ftictiPerfbi, although
he may not have Aris and Accoutrements, whb thall
ieglea or refufe to appear at the Time and Place ap-
pointed as aforefidfOr Excercife in Arms, fliall forfeit
and paythe like Sudi rof Ten'bikars for every fuch Ne-
gle& or Refula.d  '
: And be itinated by the Authoriy Afor'faid That
every male whitPerfon vithin Stbistate bete en the Privates for
Ages afcrefaid, whether he be noti-chtniiifind f Officer o
or Private, who thall a ppear at th Timi and Place ap- had.
paiiteds aforefaid for Excercife, and thalt'rffe or ne-
gl&&:t nfwer t6 his Name wien.caedll , ill 611  fufe
to-obey the lawful doinnands of his Capt- O  r on-
Manding Officer orffhall refufIe to perform li  ihi cife
insArin  istxa IMarnner fitable to the Oae aid Atten-
tion rejiite in fuch' Eercife, and Ising rqnIice of
any ofIhe iitid Ofeices by a ColUrtat-MrtRl, 'tob  a
A                   pointed

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