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1815 185 (1815)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0382 and id is 1 raw text is: SPECIAL SESSION, Jan. 1815.
-In Act more effretutlly to carry into operation
the fourd beetion of an Act passed in October,
Isit, regarding Horse-Artillery.
B -, it enacted by the Governor and Council and
1. Douse of Representatives in General Court 4 compaies of
assembled, That the Captain-General he authorised horsc-arallerv
of    10al ibedetach~d
and empowtred to detath the four coinpanier of envoi-  ,o  the
ry, to be formed into four companies of horse-artille- reginieiits of
ry, mentioned iu said Act, from any of the regiments cva-.
o'f cavalry in this State.
§ 2. Be it frlher enacted, That each of the corm-  lcers nd
panies so detached, shall consist of one captain, two  es In
lieutenants, one cornet, four sergeants, four corpo-
rals, two buglers, and fifty-two privates; and the cap-
tain of each company so letached, is hereby authoris- How 10 be re,
ed, and empowered to reer-it said company to said cruited.
number, by voluntary enlistment, under the orders and
directions of the Captain-General, any law to the con-
trary notiiithstandinig.
§ 3. Be it further enacted, That there shall he fur-
nislhed byo the Quarter.MLser-Geueral, at the expense Each comnparoF
to be furnished
of this State, two guns, with the necessary im- withtwo gun-
plements, and of such caliber as the Captaini-General
shall direct, for the service of each of said compa-
nies, which guns, it shall be the duty of the command-
ing officer of said company to take charge of, and
hold for the use of said eompany.
§ 4. Be itfnrther enacted, That the Quarter-Master-
General, by order of the Captain-General, shall pro-
vide for each of said companies, one ammunition Other things
waggon, two tumbrils, horses sufficieat for the necessarv for
same, and all other thinigs necessary for completely
furnishing said Companies for actual service as Horse-
§ 5. Be it further enacted. That said companies of
horse-artillery, shall continue to arm and equip them- To be equip.
selves in all respects as cavalry, and shall be liable Ixd and todo
to do 'duty as cavalry when thereto required by the dutyascavalr
orders of the Captain-General.
General Assemblq, Special Session, January iIst.
of the House of Representatives.
t.ttest. THiOMAs DAY, Secretary.

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