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1812 95 (1812)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0377 and id is 1 raw text is: OCTOBER SESSION, 1812.
An Act to ustablish a Military Corps for the de-
fence of this State.
E it enacted by the Governor and Council and
1.lRouse qf Reire..,utaive iA General Court as-
sem6,.d, That the cominnder ill chief of this state be, and Militarycorps
he is hereby authorized a,,d empowered to raise by vol. Of 'volhnteers
Ulitia y tnlvitet~ct frou exempt% 3nd the miliia, or by ac- imay be raised
r- fom militia
ceptiig mili'ia companies, who may volunteer, in such and exempt.
maimn.r and udei such regulations us he may prescribe,
a militrv comr1s for the defence and protection of this For defence nl'
stai,. to suppress insurrections, repel invasion, and corn- statc, &c.
pel obedience to the laws of this state, and of the United
States ; to c,,nsist of two regimeits of infantry, four com. Number of,
panics of artillery, and four troops of horse, to serve du- and time of
ring the present war, unless sooner 'ischarged by law. sorvier.
But no company of infantry in the militia of this state,
by means of such enlistment therefrom, may be reduced
below the number of thirty-six non-commissioned officers
and privates.
§ 2. .ind le itjurther enacted, That each regiment of Number of
infantry shall consist of ten companies; each company companies in
of one captain, two lieutenants, one ensign, four ser- a reginicat.
geants, four corporals, four musicians and ninety-six pri- And ofofficers
vates ; and each company of artillery shall consist of one in a company.
captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals,
two musicians, six' gunners, six bombardiers, and thirty.
two privates ; and each troop of horse shall consist of one
captain, two liLutenants, one cornet, four sergeants, four
corporals, one trumpeter, and thirty-two privates.
§ 3. A4nd be it further enacted, That the regiments of Officers of ie.
infantry shall be officered as follows ; to each rtgiment giments of in.
one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, two majors ; and the fiantry,
staff shall consist of one adjutant, one quarter-master, one
Pay-master, one chaplain, one surgeon, two surgeons'

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