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1799 512 (1799)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0349 and id is 1 raw text is: AC.TS AND LAWS.
512                               Militia.
Non-commit'- not be difcharged from military Duty, for any caufe whatever,
fioned officers, excepting Inability, in which cafe they  diall obtain their Dif-
&c. not to be charges in the fame manner, as is p'rcfcriced by Law for Privates
difchargcd un-
lCfi, &C.    and that non-commiffioned Oflic.rs andMuficians, who hall remove
from the Companies in which they were chofen, into the limits
of any other Company, or who hall remove from any othQr
State into this State, fhall be liable to perform military Duty as
Privates, in the Company in the limits of which they refide, un-
lefs they have a&ually performed the Dutie- of non-commiffioned
Officers or Muficians for the term of three Yearo.
2. And le itfurther enaled, That the commanding Officers of
Drummers and the feveral Regiments of Infantry, hall, if they judge it neceffa-
ofrers may be  ry, order the Drimmers and Fifers, belonging to their refpeaive
ordered out for
praLicc and  Regiments, to aflemble at fuch Times and Places as they fhall di-
inflrudlion.  rea, for the purpofe of Pratlice and Inflruclion, not exceeding
two Days in each Year, exclufive of the Days of regimental Ex-
ercife. And if any Drummer or Fifler, lhall negle&  or refufe
to obey fuch Order, he hall be liable to the fime Penalty as is
by Law provided for like neglca or refulal on Days of company
3 . And Le it further enaed, That in cafe of an Appeal by any
Appeals regu- Private or non-commiflioncd Officer from  the Judgment of the
lated.       commanding Officer of the Company, impoling a Fine for neglea
of Duty, to the commandirg Officer of the Regiment or Brig-
ade, fuch commanding Officer fhall decide on fich Appeal within
fixty Days, after the fame is made, and give notice of his Decif.
ion in writing to the commanding Officer of the Company, and
in care'no Decifion (hall be made and notice given within the
Time aforefaid, the commanding Officer of the Company hall
proceed to coliff the Fines by him impofed, notwithlflanding fich
4. AInd le itfurther enafled, That the Fines and Penalties incur.
Fine, for neg- red for Non-appearance and deficiencies of Arms, Ammunition
lca of mnilita- and Accoutrements fhall in future be as follows, viz. Each non-
ry duty.     commiflioned Officer, Drummer, Fifer or Tiumpeter who fhall
negleaq to appear at'the Time and Place appointed for regimental
or battalion Exercife or Review, being legally warned thereto
fliall forfeit and pay a Fine of Three Dollars for each Days
neglca, and for each )ays ncgle& to appear at the Time and
Place appointed for company Exercife or Inl)eaion, being legal-
ly warned thereto, fiall forfeit and pay a Fine of One Dollar and
.ifly Cents, and each Private belonging to any Company of Mi-
litia, flall for Non-appearance on Days of regimental or battalion
Exercife or Review, being thereto legally warned, forfeit and
pay a Fine of 7'oo Dollars for each Day's negle, and for Non-
appearance at Time and Ple for company Exercifc or Infpec.

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