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1795 502 (1795)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0341 and id is 1 raw text is: 4CtrS         ND LAIWS.
S0o :Jurors.
orof theirabejudicious Freeholders as it hereafter in ,this Ad pre-
fcribed I each of which Freeholers fllal have a freehold eflate, rat.
ed in' the general lift atfihy (billings or more:.
And that in each of raid Towns -hereafter named, there (hall be
Tom to . t box provided at the coft of the Town, with a lock to it, and lodg.
vwUe a boz in ed in the Town Clerk's hands ; and when the Jurymen are chofen
' ,  as aforefaid, the Town Clerk fhall.write each man's name ro nom-
rbe. rt. inated on apiece of paper by itfelf, and put the feveral nafnes fo
written in tfie aid bbx, and keep the fame locked in his hands,,that
6e f(ld names may be drawn ar hereafter provided.
Beit exaed, That fome convenient time before the fitting of
the aforefaid.Courts, the Clerk of the Superior and refpe&ive Coun-
7         ty Courts in this State, thall ifflue out warrants, dired ed. to either
of the Conftablea of the feveral Towns hereafter named, or to fome
of them in the County in which the Court is to be held, to fum,
mon and *arn:fo many able, judiciou$,. and lawful Freeholders of
clrad.- their Town, as the warrant direcs, to-attend and ferve as Jurors
, at fuch Court ; and the Jurors of the Superior Court (hall be fum.,
.Cortto i'.atfc'CutanthJroso
raiwananwo moned to attend at two of the clock on'the fir(! day of the fefThas
the  Catfta.
.tf, Q',,. of raid Court ; and ithe Jurors of the County Courts flhall be fur-
In' t,61 to moned to. attend at eight of the clock on the third day of the fefions.
furmn U
w'a rree   Of aid Court.. And. when any Coniftable (hall receive any fuch
Anm  r  a *arrant, to fummon dny certain number of Jurymen to attend, and
ferve as fuch at any of the (aid Courts, he Ihall repair to the Town
Clerk, and. in his prefence (or in his abfence,hin the. prefence otone
ofthe Sle& Men of fuch Town, or a Juflice of the Peoce) draw
out of the box aforefaid the number his warrant 'direffs him to fum-
mon without feeing the names he draws, before he draws. them  ;
arid having fo done, lhall then proceed to fummon thofe men for
Jurymen whofe names he has to drawn.
But if any or all the men whofe names are thus drawn, be at
the time either from home or tick, or otherwife unavoidably hin-
dered from attendirg fuch Courts his or their name or names fhall
Wiu7 hind, be returned into (aid box, and others in his or tfieir room, drawn
e.e hm t- and rummoned in manner aforefaid. And the Conflable fhail make
'hm.in their timely return of his warrant unto the Clerk that granted the fame,
ream,     with an endoirfement thereon certifying whom he has fummoned for
the purpofe aforefaid ; on pain that every Conflable failing of his
.         .duty therein, fhall forfeit and pay unto the County Treafurer, for
inito their the ufe of the County, a fine not exceeding ive Dollars, at. the dif-
fduy 0 Py 8 cretion of the Judges of the Court, unlefs fuch Conftable thall fea-
M Cis goluM. fonably make his excufe to the acceptance of laid Court.
Be itfuriber gnalkd, That if any Juryman, chofen, drawn, and

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