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1791 403 (1791)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0332 and id is 1 raw text is: IY C     A 8 4 N D  L A4 IV S.

Exclufion A&. Rights of Confcience, in Religion, &c.

Made and paffed by the General Court or Affembly
of the State of Conne6licut, in America, holden at
Hartford, in faid State, oti the fecond        Thurfday of
May, Anno Domini, 179 r.
An Aft to exclude certain perfons, holding Offices under the au-
thority of the United States, from being Members of the Le-
giflature of this State.
B   E it enaled by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives in General
Court afembled, and by the authority of the fame, That from and af-
ter the ftcond Thurfday of May next, no perfon holding an Office
under the authority of the United States, which would render him in-
capable of being a Member of the congress of the United States, fhall,
while holding faid Office, be a Member of the Legiflature of this State.
An Aa, in addition to, and explanation of an Aa, entitled, An
A6L for fecuring the Rights of Confcience, in matters of reli-
gion, to Chriftians of every denomination in this State.
BE it enafled by the Governor, Council and Repr efntatives in General
Court affenbled, That to give legal effeat to any Certificate which
fhall hereafter be given to any perfon who claims to be a Diffenter from
the ecclefiaftical Societies eftablithed by Law within this State, it fhall
be neceffary that fuch Certificate be figned by two of the Civil Autho-
rity living in the town where fuch Diflenter dwells, or by one only, i i
cafe but one fuch officer lives in fuch town; which authority fhall duly
examine the claims of fuch Difflenters; and if he or they fhall judge the
f'ame well fbunded, he or they fhall give to fuch perfon a Certificate of
the following import, viz.
 Me, having examined the claims of -   , whofays he is a Di en-
ter firom the ecclefiaflical Society of - , and hath joined hirlJelf to a
Church or Congregation of the name of -   ; and that he ordinarily
attends upon the public wo:jip offuch Church or Congregation; and that
he contributes his Jhare or proportion towardsJfuppcrting the public wor-
flip and miiflry thereof, do upon examination find that the above fafs are
true, Dated                                    Juftices of Peace.
R r r                       Which


Perfons holding
offices under the
United States,
not eligible, &c.

Certificates to
be given to dif-
fenters from,&c,
by whom.
The form.

•          ,   I                                                 ill  i        w l                            I   !                                    I I

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