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1786 337 (1786)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0320 and id is 1 raw text is: AC.'S Adx) 14fyS



Made and paffed by the General Court or Affembly
of the State     of ConnefEicut, holden        at Hartford,
(in faid State) on the fecond Thurfday of May,
Anno Domini, 1786.
An A& for the better methodizing and regulating the
public Accounts, and for effeding a fpeedy Settle-
inent of all outftanding Debts due to this State.
B   E it enaced by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives in General Comptroller
court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That there fhall authorized
be annually appointed by the General Affembly a Comptroller of all pub- to appoint a
lic Accounts of this State; and the faid Comptroller is hereby author- Clerk
ifed to appoint from Time to Time as he flball find neceffary, one Clerk
or more to affift him in his faid Office and Duty. And in order that the
faid Comptroller may be enabled to execute the Duties of his Office, he
fhall have free Accefs to the public Offices of the Treafurer, the Secreta- Mayhaveac-
ry, and the Pay-Table, or any other public Offices or Records, with full cers to the
Power to examine all Books, Accounts, Documents or other Papers publcOfdces
•                                               or Records.
whatfoever, that refpe&, or have any Relation to his faid Office and
Truff, and may call for any Ad s, and Refolutions, and alfo for Ihch
general or particular Abflcra&s or Statements of any and all public Ac-
counts as he (hall judge neceflry, in order to inveffigate their real fitu- To flate the
ation. And it fhall be the Duty of the !hid Comptroller fi'om Time to public debts
Time diligently to examine, and flate the amount of all the public Debts, and credits of
and Credits of this State with the United States, or with any public Of- thisflatewith
ficer, or other Individual or Community whatever,                   the U.States.
Arnd in order -to effea and bring about afpecdy Settlement with fch as are
indebted to this State,
Yy                             I

-                                                                                                                                                                                    I

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