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1785 317 (1785)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0318 and id is 1 raw text is: 1ACTS fND LAWS,
congress Impowered.               3117

Made and paffied by the General Court or
Affembly of the State of Connedicut,
holden at Hartford, (in faid State) on
the fecond Thurfday of May, Anno
Domini 1785.
An A& vetling the United States in congress affem-
bled with Power to regulate the Commerce of the
United States.
W       HEREAS the United States in congress affemled, on the 3otb Day of Preamble.
WIpril 1784, recommended to the feveral States to ve# congress with
certain Powersfor the Purpofe of enabling them to fecure to the Citizens of
the United States reciprocal Advantages in their Commerce with foreign .Va-
tions, and the fame having been duly coif/dered and deliberated upon :
B   E it enafled by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives in General congress
B    Court affembled, and by the Authority of the Jame, That the United veiled with
power to regu-
State.s in congress affembled, be, and hereby are vefted with full Powers late Trade for
and Authority for the Term of Fifteen Years next enfuing, to prohibit the term of 15
any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, from   being imported into, or ex- years.
ported from this State in Veffels belonging to, or navigated by the Sub-
je&s of any foreign Power with whom the United States flail not have
formed Treaties of Commerce, Lnd to prohibit the Subjeffs of any fo-
reign State, Kingdoms, or Empire, unlefs authorifed by Treaty, fi.omi
importing into this State any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, which are
not the Produce or Manufa&ture of the Dominions of the Sovereign,
Nvhufe Subjects they are, and to take proper Meafures for carrying the
fume into Ef&ec.
Provided, That to all A&s of the United States in congress affembled, Provifo.
in Purfuance of the above Powers, the.Afi~rnt of nine States Ihall be necef-
I.ary. Provided alfo, That this At f(hall not take Effe until ten States in
the Union flhall have paffed As veiling congress with fimilar Powers,
and that the Prohibitions that thall be made extend alike to all States.
R  r                                'An

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