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1782 585 (1782)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0310 and id is 1 raw text is: ..4 M ri   r J 'rv c,

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Regulating tl

ie Militia.               585

Made and paffed by the General Court
or Affembly of the Governor and
Company of the State of Connefli-
cut, in'America ; holden at Hart-
ford   (in faid State) on the fecond
Thurfday of    lay, Anno Dorn. 17 8z.
An A& for forming, regulating, and conduding the
Military Force of this State.
,JH E R E 1 S the Defence and Security of all free States depends
(under God) upon the Exertions of a well regulated Militia, and the
Laws heretofore enaa7-d have proved inadequate to the End defligned.

BE it Enafled by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in Ge-
neral Court ajyembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all
male Perfons, from Sixteen Years of Age to Forty-five, fliall
conflitute the Military Force of this State, except Members of
the Council, of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, and of the congress of
the United States for the Time being, the State Treafurer, and Se-
cretary, Juflices of the Peace, field, commiffioned, and ftafi Officers,
honorably difcharged, Minifters of the Gofpel, the Prefident, Tutors
and Students of College, Phyficians and Surieons, Sele&-men, con.
flant School.Mafters, one Miller to each Grift. Mill, being approved
by the Selea men, and having a Certificate thereof, conftant Mariners
who make it their conlfant Bufinefs to go to Sea, Sheriffs and Confla-
bles,'conflant Ferrymen, Perfons difabled through Lamenefs or other
bodily Infirmity, during the continuance of fuch Difability, producing
a Certificate thereof from two able Phyficians, to the acceptance of
his or their commiflioned Officers, non-commiffioned Officers and
Privates who have inlifted or (hall hereafter inlift into the Conne&icut
Line of the Army of the United States, for the Term of the prefent
War, and Ihall have faithfully ferved for faid Term, and obtaired an
honorable Difcharge, and Indians, Negroes and Molattoes.
Provided neverthelefs, That fuch Military Oitcars, and all Houfe.
holders and others riot fifty-five Years of Age, Ihall give their Atten-
dance on Days appointed for viewing of Arms, as hereafter dire&ed ;
and fuch Officers (hall be fubje6l to do their proportion of Military
Duty, when called by a fuperior Officer, in the Office they have
refpeaively fuflained.
FFFF                               Ana


Perfons lia-
ble to bear
A Provift,

21CT S

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