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1782 581 (1782)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0309 and id is 1 raw text is: A C IrS       AND         L~AP~S. COiK
Couriterfeitinig Batik Notes.       Sickncfs.          5 8 i
Made and pafled by 'he Governor
and Cornpiny of the State. of Con-
ne Ticuti in        Amic,        ; holden at
Hartford, in faid State, (by Ad-
journmnent) on the tenth Day of
January, Anwo Dont. I7 3.
An A&t: againif counterfeiting Notes ifTued by the
Prefiderit, Dire&ors, and Company of the Bank
of Northo--Aneri ca, incorporated by the Uni-
ted 8tates in congress affemblqd, the 3 'A Day
of Decenlbei, Anno Dom. 1781.
B          it , ag'ed by the toviirnor, Council, and Reprtintaives, in
B General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame,
That ii any Perfun or Perfons, fliall within this State,
forge, counterfeit, or alter any Note or Notes iffued, or
thatihall beiffued by the Prefident, Dire6tors ' and Company of P 1n,10, fcI:
the fiid Bank, or that flhall utter, or put off any fuch falfe, coun- couterf,2it-
cu-ing Ba rk
terfeit, or altered Note Or Notes, knowing them to be falfe and  note.
counterfeit, or that lb all counfel, advife; proctire, or, any way affilt
in the fot'gmi, iobriterfciting, or alterihg, any fuch Note or Notes,
or that (hall engrave any Plate, or make any [riftrument to be ufed
for any of the Rurpofes a for.aid, or that (hall any ways afifl to en.
rzave any fuch Plate' or to make any fuch Inftrument, and (hall
be convi&ed of any or either of faid Crimes, before the Superior
Court, fuch Perfon or Peribns fo offending, lhal fuffer the fame
Pains li'd Penalties fhat are. by Law annexed to the Crime of
counterfeiting the Bills of Credit of this State.
An A& in addition to the Law, entitled, . A i
 Aft providing fii Cafe 6f Sicknefs.
it Maed by the Goveiior, Coundi, amd Rcjrejntlaivti, it; Gej
B neral Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That
where ever any Soldier, Sailor, or Marine belonging to the Army'
ur Navy of the United States, who is not ai Inhabitant of this'
E .                         state;

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